v. for something pointed to pierce or thrust into, not necessarily sticking. Natugduk ang tumuy sa bangkaw sa bukubuku sa túru, The end of the spear pierced the back of the bull. Hingtugdukan ang ákung tiil sa tumuy sa kutsilyu, The knife hit my foot when it fell.
v. alight, set down from the air. Mitugdun ang buyug sa búwak, The bee alighted on the flower. Gipálid siya sa alimpús. Diin siya itugdun? The whirlwind carried her away. Where was she set down? -anan n. place where something lands. Tugdunánan sa ayruplánu, Airplane landing field.
v. break and pulverize hardened soil for planting. Lisud pagtughang sa yútà kay nabantuk na kaáyu, It is difficult to break up the soil because it has gotten very packed down; a. no longer a virgin.
a. lukewarm; v. be, become lukewarm, cause liquids to do so. Magtughaw kug túbig para ikalígù, I’ll heat some water for bathing.
see dughù, n2.
n. formal asking of a girl’s hand by the groom’s parents, always accompanied with food brought by the groom’s delegation; v. formally ask for a girl’s hand. Mutughuk gihápun ta bísag burus na ang babáyi? Do we still have to make a formal proposal when the girl is already pregnant?
v. appear suddenly, unexpectedly. Walà ku damha nga muanhi siya, mitughuk lag abut, I never expected him to come. He just arrived suddenly. Trabáhu kay tughúkan unyà tag dúaw sa átung agálun, Keep working. Our boss might come without notice.
v. cook leftover cooked staple which stuck to the pot by adding water and usually boiling it with sugar. Tughúnga nang dukut, Recook the leftover rice stuck to the pot. -in- n. food prepared by the process of tughung.
see tarugsuy.
v. 1. touch the bottom standing in water. Makatugkad ka ba dihà? Can you stand there? 2. for the feet or something dangling to reach the ground. Dílì makatugkad ang íyang tiil sa salug ug kanang siyáhay lingkúran, His feet don’t touch the ground if he sits in that chair. Nagtikwangtikwang ang lamísa kay wà magtugkad ang usa ka tiil, The table is jiggling because one of the legs isn’t touching the ground; 3. fathom, comprehend something mysterious. Way makatugkad sa ákung hunàhúnà, Nobody can read my mind. Lisud tugkárun ang sumbíngay sa páras, It is hard to understand the meaning of the Parable of the Vine. tugkaran n. 1. yard of a house; 2. foot of a hill. tulugkárun n. something that takes deep understanding.
see tugkaran, 1. see tugkad.
n. yard
n. stalk of a leaf or flower.
see tugkaran, 1. see tugkad.
v. dip, dunk into liquid. Dì pa ku malígù, apan mutugnà lang úsà ku sa túbig, I won’t swim yet, I’ll just immerse myself quickly. Ang balanghuy laming itugnà sa mantíkà, Cassava tastes good if you dip it into pork fat.
a. cold to the touch, feel. Tugnaw kaáyu sa Bagyu, It’s very cold in Baguio; v. 1. become cold weather. Mutugnaw (matugnaw) ang panahun inigka Disimbri, The weather gets cold in December; 2. feel cold. Gamítag hítir kun tugnawun ka, Use the heater if you feel cold; 3. be exposed to the cold. Gisip-un siya kay hitugnawan, He caught cold because he was exposed to the cold; n. cold. Dì kung kaagwanta sa tugnaw, I can’t take the cold. ka- n. state of being cold. Nagkuray siya sa katugnaw, She is shivering with cold. paN- n. chills. Ang panugnaw mubálus sa hilánat, Chills come right after fever; v. get the chills. ting- n. cold season.
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