v. commit suicide. Mau nang pangpánga ang íyang gitubukan, That is the cliff he jumped to his death from.
n. hard stools; v. 1. for stools to become hard; 2. have constipation. Gitubul siya maung dúgayng nalibang, It took him long to have his bowel movement because he is constipated.
v. cut down abaca plants at the base before stripping off the outer stalks.
v. 1. redeem, save from. Ang ímung bahandì dì makatubus sa mahúgaw mung ngalan, Your wealth cannot redeem your filthy name. Gitubus sila ni Muysis gíkan sa kaulipnan, They were saved from slavery by Moses; 2. in games where several people play in turns, take a player’s turn for him to keep him from losing his turn (e.g. when a player is in a difficult position, for someone better to play for him for that one move). 2a. take someone else’s place in his absence or in the event of his inability. Akuy mutubus ug káun sa ímung báhin kay dì ka man muadtu, I’ll eat your share because you aren’t going. Dì ku makatubus sa ímung trabáhu kay mulakaw man ku, I can’t take your work over for you because I’m going out. katubsánan n. redemption. maN-r-(←) n. redeemer; Christ the Redeemer.
v. 1. hold, put upward and above the rest. Makatúbuy ku ánang barbil, I can raise that barbell above my head. Daw tubúyun (itúbuy) siya sa lángit kun pahiyuman siya ni Adilayda, It was as though he was being raised to the heavens when Adelaida smiled at him; 2. put up for election. Itúbuy nátù siya pagkakunsihal, We will put him up as councilor.
see tula.
a. 1. fast, rapid; 2. hard, with much force; 3. doing to a high degree or in excess. Túda siyang mukáun, He eats ravenously. Túda siyang matúlug, He sleeps soundly. Túda siyang mangasábà, He scolds very severely; v. 1. do something fast, rapidly. Ayaw tudáhig lakaw, Don’t walk too fast; 2. do something with much force. Tudáhag (tudáhig) lísù ang takub, Turn the cap with a good deal of force. pa- v. drive fast. Gipatudáhan sa kapitan ang dágan sa yáti, The captain made the yacht go fast.
v. 1. be totally lost or used up, cause something to be so. Akuy mutúdas ánang ímung baligyà basta barátu, I’ll take all of your wares if you let me have them cheap. Ang ákung mga anak nga kiat mauy nagtúdas sa ákung mga básung tarungtarung, The children played around and broke all my decent glasses. Natúdas ang ákung singsing nga mihiplus sa ákung tudlù, The ring slipped off my finger and is lost; 2. draw the card that makes the hand complete. Búnut na kay tudásun ku na ni, Draw a card because I am going to go out now; 3. murder (slang). Tudásun nátù nang hambugírung dakù, We will kill that bigmouth; a. completely used up, lost, killed. Hansákan ku bítaw sa tris kantus, túdas lagi, I stabbed him with a three-bladed knife. That was the end of him; n. the card in a game of tudasay that completes the last pair. paN- v. for someone who is desperate, and sure to die anyway to kill someone to die along with him. Manúdas na lang ku kay wà na man kuy mahímù, I’ll just kill someone to die along with me because I am at the end of my rope. tudastúdas n. kind of coin-tossing game where three coins are tossed up and the bettors win only if it is three heads or three tails; v. play tudastúdas. -an(→) n. card that allows one to go out in tudasay. walay -an(→) be no match for someone Haníti kaáyu nà. Wà kay tudasan ug musúkul ka, He is very skillful. You won’t have a chance if you play against him. -ay(→) n. card game with drawing and discarding in which the object is to compete to get three pairs from a hand of five cards; v. play tudasay.
see tugkan. see turuk.
v. furrow the field for planting. Magtudling ta arun katamnan ang uma, We will furrow the field so we can plant on it. Tudlínga ang daruhan humag sudlay, Furrow the field after harrowing; n. 1. a furrow in the field; 2. row of plants; 3. column in a periodical. — púlung n. sentence.
v. prick with a needle to get something out. Akuy mutudlis sa ímung tunuk sa tiil, I will prick your foot to get the thorn out. Tudlísa ang hubag arun mugulà ang nánà, Prick the boil so the pus can come out; n. needle or the like to get something out. — sa tabákù see paliyu.
n. finger
n. finger(s)
n. inch
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