(from kadtu) those (pointing to something far from both speaker and hearer).
(from tuu) command for a carabao to turn right.
see kadtu.
see tulu.
see atúa.
over there
n. neckhole or armholes in a dress; v. cut the neckhole or armhole of a garment.
v. for a group to burst into loud and boisterous laughter. Natuab (mituab) ug pangatáwa ang íyang giisturyáhan ug kataw-anan, The group broke into boisterous laughter when he told them something funny.
see tuásik.
v. strangle. Mu rag mutuak nákù ning huut nga kwilyu, This tight collar is about to choke me. Gituak sa manyak ang íyang biktima, The maniac strangled his victim. tuaktúak v. eat so greedily one seems to choke. Ayawg tuaktuáka (ituaktúak) nang ímung pagkáun kay mabukug ka, Don’t eat your food greedily because you might choke on a small bone.
v. be, turn upside down. Kinsay nagtuáli íring bangà? Who turned this jar upside down? Magtuali ang kabug kun maghúp, Bats hang upside down when they perch.
n. towel
n. towel. itsa sa — see itsa.
v. for rain, flood, flow of blood to let up or stop. Manlákaw ta ug mutuang ang ulan, We are going out when the rain stops. Tambal nga makapatuang (makatuang) sa pagdugù, Medicine to stop the flow of blood. tuangtúang v. keep raining off and on, stopping and starting.
v. fall headfirst. Patay untà kun simintu pay gituarúkan sa bátà, The child would have died if it had been concrete he had landed on with his head.
v. spatter, for little things to fall in all directions. Mituásik ang bawud nga misúgat sa pambut, The waves dashing against the motorboat splashed in all directions. Nagtuasik ang mga bála dihang gimasinggan mi, We were machine-gunned, and bullets fell all over the place. -in- n. spattering given off by something.
v. 1. exclaim in surprise or wonderment. Nakatuaw ug nakapanghisus siya sa kahibúlung, She exclaimed and uttered ‘Jesus’ in amazement; 2. cry out. Náa siya nagtuaw sa gawas naghangyù nga mubálik ka, He is outside, crying out, imploring you to come back.
v. 1. for something attached to hang limp from its base. Nabálì sigúrug íyang buktun kay nagtuay man, His arm must be broken because it is hanging limp. Ituay ímung úlu ingun sa patay ka, Let your head hang limp as if you were dead; 2. become bent over in maturity. Ug matuay na ang mga mais, aníhun na nátù, If the corn is quite bent over, we can harvest it; a. for corn to be bent over when it is mature.
v. 1. for the season of a certain fruit or crop to be over; 2. be drenched with rain; n. off-season for crops or fruits.
v. cut down off the main part with a sharp cutting instrument, esp. in one stroke. Ang hábul sundang dì makatub-us ug ságing, A dull machete can’t cut a banana plant down.
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