List of Cebuano words starting with the letter T - Page 157






coconut drink



n. fermented and processed toddy from coconut palms; v. 1. give water for toddy. Ang buluk dílì mutubà pag-áyu sa ting-init, The flower bud doesn’t produce much water during the hot season; 2. get toddy all over it. Natubaan ang ákung púlu, My shirt got toddy all over it. 3. be the one who has to treat others to toddy. Hingtubaan ku kay napildi ku sa pustahánay, I had to pay for a round of toddy because I lost the betting. paN- v. go out to get toddy; n. something for buying toddy. Gái kug diyis, panubà ba, Let me have ten centavos to buy a glass of toddy. ka-(←) v. get toddy all over it. -an n. stand which sells toddy. hiN-, hiN-(←) a. fond of toddy. -un a. for a cock to be colored like red palm toddy.



n. kind of croton plant: Croton tiglium. — nga bákud see tubatuba. tubatuba n. kind of shrub, the leaves of which are used as a poultice and the seeds of which produce oil for soap: Jatropha curcas. tubatubang murádu n. kind of tubatuba with reddish leaves: Jatropha gossypifolia.



v. cut down a banana stalk for the fruit. Tub-a na nang saginga kay gúwang na, Cut down that banana because the fruits are mature.



n. answer















v. 1. answer. Akuy mutubag sa pangutána, I’ll answer the question. Tubaga ang nangutána, Answer the person who asked a question. Pahiyum lay íyang itubag sa ákung hangyù, The only answer she gives to my plea is a smile; 1a. answer correspondence. Wà ku makatubag dáyun sa ímung sulat, I couldn’t answer your letter right away; 1b. talk back, retort. Hisagpaan siya kay mitubag sa inahan, She got a slap in the face because she talked back to her mother; 1c. exchange heated words. Nagkatúbag mi dihang giinsultuhan ku níya, We exchanged heated words when he insulted me. 1d. for an uncommon event to recur or be followed by something similar (in folk belief, a not-so-common event is followed by something similar). Tubagun (tubagan) pa nang ímung swirti sa láing táwu, someone else will have good luck in response to your good luck; 2. answer for, take responsibility. Ángayng tubagun nimu ang dadangátan sa ímung kirída, You ought to take responsibility to whatever happens to your mistress; 2a. bear someone’s expenses. Tubagun sa sigúru ang bayranan nímu sa uspital, The insurance will cover your hospital bills; n. 1. answer; 2. something which happens after something in response to it. — pangutána, úyun, etc. question, agreement, etc. given in answer. ‘Náa ka na diay?’ tubag tuksù ni Kulasing, ‘Are you really there now?’ asked Kulasing in answer. paN- v. answer questions. Pasar siya sa intirbiyu kay maáyu siyang manubag, She passed the interview because she answered the questions well. Unsay ákung ipanubag ug imbistigarun ku? What shall I answer if I am investigated? tubagtubag v. talk back insolently. Ayawg tubagtubaga ang ímung magulang kay gabáan ka, Don’t talk back insolently to your elder brother or you will get divine retribution visited on you. matubagtubagun a. inclined to talk back insolently. tubagtúbag v. sing, read something alternatingly or with a responsive reading. Tubagtubágan ta pagbása ang kasulátan, Let us read the scriptures responsively. -in-ay(←) v. 1. see tubag, v1c. 2. see tubagtubag; n. 1. heated exchange of words; 2. responsive or alternate making of sound. Ang tinubágay sa mga langgam mabuntag, The alternating sounds of birds in the morning. -in-an n. manner of answering. -l-un(←) n. 1. responsibility that one has to answer for. Tulubágun sa tsapirun ug unsay mahitabù níla, It is the chaperon who has to answer if something happens to them; 2. material from which a responsive reading or singing is read.



n. off-season for fruit-bearing trees; v. 1. for trees to stop bearing fruit. Nagkatubas na ang pamúnga sa kaimítu, The fruit-bearing season for star apples is coming to a close; 2. stop raining. Ug mutubas na ang ulan, dì na ta magpáyung, If the rains stop, we won’t need an umbrella any more; 3. get, be rain-soaked (lit. be in the rain till it stops). Gitubasan (hingtubasan) ku sa ulan, I got soaked by the rain.



v. for the husks to come off of pounded grains. Gáhì matúbaw ang humay nga pínug lugas, It is difficult to get the husk off fine-grained rice.



v. keep on doing something Dì siya mutúbay ug trabáhu kay pul-ánun, He does not keep working for long because he gets bored easily. Aku ray nakatúbay ug pamínaw sa taas nga sirmun, I was the only one left that kept on listening to the long sermon. Nagtúbay silag ínum hangtud sa buntag, They kept their drinking spree going until morning. ma-un a. someone capable of keeping on doing something Matubáyun sa trabáhu, One who sticks to a piece of work.



n. 1. water. buyag sa — see buyag, n2. — sa butung water in the young coconut. Túbig sa butung ang ákung gustung imnun, I want to drink water of the young coconut; 2. score in a game of tubigtúbig; v. 1. become water. Natúbig ang ayis drap, The popsicle melted; 2. — sa úlu master in one’s mind. Tubíga sa ímung úlu kining kúd, Master this code. (→) v. 1. put, mix with water. Tubigi ang wiski ug ísug ra, Add water into the whiskey if it is too strong; 2. irrigate. Gipatubigan (gitubigan) ang basak, The rice paddy was irrigated; 3. water, produce liquid. Mutubig ákung bàbà ug makakità kug sambag, My mouth waters if I see tamarinds. Nagtubig ang íyang núka, His sore is watering. paN-(→) v. 1. fill glasses with water. Panubig diri, Give us some water; 2. get one’s water s.w. Ang mga taga isla adtu manubig sa unay, People from small islands get their water from the mainland. hiN- v. bail water out. Sígi kung hinúbig kay milikì ang luwang, I kept bailing water out because the bilge leaked; n. instrument for bailing. hiN-an(→) n. place water is bailed out from. pa-(→) n. irrigation system. tubignun n. water spirit. tubigtubig n. kind of skin disease characterized by itchiness and tiny pustules with watery discharge; v. have tubigtubig. tubigtúbig n. child’s game played with two teams of an offensive and defensive side. Two rows of adjacent squares are drawn, two squares for each defensive player. The offensive team aims to get in and back through the series of squares without being touched by the defensive team whose movements are restricted. A point, called túbig, is made when a player gets in and back through the squares untouched; v. play tubigtúbig. tubigtubigan a. well-to-do; someone having much money on hand; v. become well-off.



n. liquid



n. water








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