v. 1. acquire something for one’s needs. Magrimidiyu kug kwartang ibáyad sa iskuylahan, I must secure money to pay for the school; 2. tinker around with something to improve it. Rimidiyúha nu nà ug muandar pa ba, Tinker around with it. Maybe it will still run; 3. have sexual intercourse (humorous). Dì ku makarimidiyu sa ákung asáwa kay gidugù, I can’t do anything with my wife because she is menstruating. pa- v. lend. Parimidiyúha ku dihag písus kay ákung ipamúlang, Lend me one peso to use for the cockfights; n. remedy, something that can repair or restore something to good state. Wà na kay rimidiyu kay kansir man, You have no hope because it’s cancer. Wà nay rimidiyu nang makinilyáha, That typewriter is broken beyond repair. rimidiyuhay v. have sexual intercourse; n. action of having intercourse.
v. stay after school.
v. scull, move a boat forward by twisting an oar from side to side over the stern of a boat. Rimúhi ring búti kay punù nag kupras, Scull this small boat because it’s already full of copra; n. scull.
n. light brown sugar, closest in class to the refined white sugar.
v. 1. make use of, eat something with or without proper permission (colloquial). Nagrimurki ang mga irù sa basúra, The dogs are busy with the garbage. Nakarimurki na nà sa kusína kay nanghingìkì na, He has eaten in the kitchen because he is picking his teeth; 2. open up something to get at the contents illegally. Taga kustum mauy mirimurki sa pákids, A Custom official helped himself to the contents of the package.
v. tow or drag something in the water. Dakung trúsu ákung girimurki, I’m towing a big log in the water.
v. broadcast away from the radio station. Magrimut kuntrul mi sa mísa sa Santu Rusaryu, We will broadcast the mass from Santo Rosario church by remote control.
see rayna.
n. bridle
n. harness
n. reins. sigunda — checkrein. Pahugti ang sigunda rinda arun dílì madugmù ang kabáyù, Tighten the checkrein so the horse won’t stumble. paghátag ug — let something go free, release the restraints. Wà siya magduhadúha sa paghátag ug rinda sa íyang mga kapritsu, She did not hesitate to give full course to her caprices; v. 1. attach, make into a rein; 2. pull on the reins. Rindáhi arun muhínay ang kabáyù, Pull on the reins to slow the horse down.
v. 1. give way, collapse. Hápit na ku murindǐr sa kalisud sa trabáhu, I’m practically ready to collapse because the work is so hard. Kining bangkúa dì murindǐr bisag daghang maglingkud, This bench won’t give way no matter how many people sit on it. 2. for something to expire. Murindǐr na ang sidula sunud búwan, The residence certificate expires next month. rindídu a. 1. having given way; 2. come to an end, expired. Búlan sa Disyimbri aku natáwu, rindídu na ang túig, I was born in December when the year was ending.
n. ranger, unit in the Philippine Constabulary or member thereof, highly trained in hand-to-hand combat. see also púris.
n. 1. boxing or wrestling ring; 2. ring in logs; 3. basketball ring.
v. for the telephone or doorbell to ring. Muríng gánì ang tilipunu tubaga dáyun, When the telephone rings, answer it immediately.
n. kind of fish.
a. shot in basketball which does not touch the ring in going into it. Basta maáyung musyát, ringlis pirmi, A player who is a good shot always makes clean shots.
v. be, become desperate enough to do something at the peril of one’s own life. Kinsay dílì murinigar (marinigádu) nga hápit na malumus ang bátà, Who would not be out of his mind with desperation if his child was at the point of drowning. rinigáda see rinigádu (female). rinigádu a. desperate to the point of not caring whether one lives or dies; v. be, become desperate.
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