v. for the body to reduce in weight. Miridyǔs siya pagkasakit níya, She lost weight when she got sick. pa- v. go on a diet to lose weight.
n. sprinkling can.
n. 1. gift, present; 2. in games, a free ball; v. 1. give as a present. Sa kasal ninyu murigálu kug inasal, On your wedding day, I’ll give you roast pig as a present; 2. get a free ball.
n. 1. principle of almost established certainty. Mauy ílang rigla nga kun manggulà ang mga ípus, mag-ulan, As a rule, when winged termites come out in the open, it will rain. Sumálà sa rigla, ang sunud háyan hárì, According to the pattern, the next one is sure to be heads; 2. menstruation (normal, untinged word). Birhin sa — the Guiding Mother, the patron saint of missionaries and of Opon (now Lapulapu City); v. menstruate. Ug magrigla (riglahun), dílì malígù, Don’t bathe when you are menstruating. pa- v. 1. deviate from the usual norm of conduct, do things not in the usual way. Muparigla kug pakítà sa ákung katapúsang baráha, I’ll do something unusual. I’ll show my last card to everybody; 2. destroy something belonging to someone else maliciously. Dúna giyuy nagparigla sa mutur kay nagáras man, someone must have messed around with this motorcycle because it is all full of scratches; 3. attack passers-by and unknown people without provocation and for no purpose. Mga buguy tung nagparigla níya, It was street toughs that attacked him; n. 1. unusual behavior; 2. malicious destruction of others’ things; 3. thrill attacks on unknown people. -mintu, -myintu n. regulations, rules of conduct.
n. formal ballroom dance done in squares; v. dance this dance. — diunur see rigudun.
see rigur.
a. 1. average, conforming in form to the normal. Rigular ang íyang gidak-un, He is of average build. Rigular ang íyang rigla, She has a normal menstrual cycle and normal amounts of discharge. Rigular na ang íyang pulsu, His pulse is now regular. Lahì kini sa rigular nga kútiks, This one is different from the ordinary Kotex; 1a. regular, not special student. Rigular purt yir siya run, He is a regular fourth year student this year; 2. consistent or habitual in action. Rigular kining tulumanun sa radiyu, This is a regular program over the radio; v. become a permanent worker, employee.
see riglamintu. see rigla.
v. feel uneasy when something pent up can’t be released. Nagrigur nà siya kay wà tugúting muadtu sa bayli, She is ill at ease because she was not given permission to go to the dance. Magrigur giyud kug dì kapanimalus, I won’t rest until I get revenge.
see rigular.
n. window grills. Migúnit ang prísu sa ríhas sa prisuhan, The prisoner clung to the prison bars. -in-an n. having grills put in front of it; v. install grills on windows or doors.
v. register, officially record. Irihistrǎr ang yútà sa ákung ngálan, Register the land in my name. rihistrádu a. registered; officially recorded. Kuríyu rihistrádu, Registered mail.
see rihistrǎr.
n. regional. Banggà rihiyunal sa amatiyur, Regional contest for amateur performers. Kumpirinsiya rihiyunal, Regional conference.
n. someone up for reelection.
n. rake; v. rake something Ríka ang mga sagbut, Rake up the trash. Ríki ang sílung, Rake the yard in front of the house.
v. 1. for a boxer to get back on his feet or regain his composure. Wà gánì siya makarikábir, giusban dáyug sukmag, Hardly had he recovered when he was hit again; 2. recover something lost or stolen. Dì na marikábir nang puhúnan, The capital can no longer be recovered.
n. spices; v. spice food. Dì ku murikádu ug luy-a sa tinúlang isdà, I don’t put ginger into fish stew.
v. recap tires; n. recapped tires.
n. surcharge; v. cause someone to pay a surcharge. Murikargu nímug diyis pursintug mulápas ka sa tagal, You’ll have to pay a ten percent surcharge if you go past the due date.
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