n. requiem mass.
v. search for something hidden. Abtik nga mirikísa sa dinakpan ang pulis, The cop quickly frisked the suspect. Girikísa ang ákung malíta sa kustums, My suitcase was thoroughly searched in the Customs.
n. requisition; v. requisition something Nakarikisisiyun ka na ba sa mga kinahanglanun sa upisína? Have you requisitioned the things we need for the office? Girikisisiyun sa mga sundáwu ang ámung dyíp, The soldiers requisitioned our jeep.
n. requisites, requirements. Kwarta ray rikisíta sa kaminyúun, Money is the only prerequisite for marriage. Unsay rikisíta sa pag-istudiyug narsing? What are the prerequisites for studying nursing?
see ríkim.
a. one who complains all the time. Riklamadur kaáyung kasiráha. Dì kaángay sa káun, The boarder complains all the time. She doesn’t like the food; v. be, become a complainer.
n. reclamation area.
n. complaint, utterance of dissatisfaction. Wà pamatía ang riklámu sa mga trabahanti, No one heeded the laborers’ complaints; v. 1. complain. Unsay giriklamúhan (giriklámu) sa mga istudiyanti? What are the students complaining about? Adtu nà iriklámu sa kapulisan, File your complaint with the police; 2. request food or money, usually on a short-term loan. Muriklámu kug bayinti nímu, I would like to ask you for a loan of twenty pesos.
n. 1. ricrac, a kind of trimming for clothing; 2. kind of ornamental bush with leaves that look like they have a ricrac, a variety of kalípay, 1 (Polyscias fruticosa); v. trim, adorn with ricrac.
a. using a language that is rudely brief and curt (female). Rikta kaáyung manubagtubag nga bayhána mu rag hawud, She answers in a curt and rude manner as if she were the boss. riktahun a. being blunt and curt in one’s replies.
a. rectangle; v. become rectangular.
n. penis (slang—so called from Claro M. Recto, a statesman whose bald pate reminds one of the glans).
see rikta (male).
n. rector; v. be, become a rector.
see rikábir.
v. for a land vehicle to turn a corner, negotiate a curve. Ayaw ug pakúsug ug magrikúdu ka, Don’t drive fast when you negotiate a turn. rikuduhan n. curve in a street.
v. 1. refuse to do something, usually for some reason. Dì giyud nà murikúla kun sugúun, He doesn’t refuse if you tell him to do something Ug áway ímung gustu, dì ti ka rikuláhan, If it’s a fight you want, I am not afraid; 2. back out of something Sáad nga dílì marikuláhan, An agreement you cannot back out of. 3. raise an objection to something Mirikúla siya sa ákung hukum ug páwul, He raised an objection to my calling a foul.
a. be distrusting and saying so openly. Rikulúta kaáyu siya sa ímung mga pasálig, He disbelieves your promises and says so; v. be, become distrusting and vocal about it. Makarikulúta (makaparikulúta) nang ímung binahinan, Who wouldn’t say something the way you divide it up?
n. military recruit; v. recruit for military service; a. novice, greenhorn. Rikulúta pa siya sa panganak, She is still new to childbirth. Rikulúta pa ku sa kinaíya sa mga Múrus, I am not accustomed to the ways of the Moros.
v. recommend someone or something Dì ku murikumindǎr ug tapulan, I don’t recommend lazy people. Kining librúha ang girikumindǎr sa maistru, The teacher recommended this book. rikumindádu n. recommendee. Nadáwat siya kay rikumindádu man sa mayur, He was accepted because he is one of the mayor’s recommendees; v. be one’s recommendee. rikumindasiyun n. recommendation for a job.
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