n. reconsideration.
v. examine someone physically. Rikunusihun ka ug wà ka bay tíbi, You will be examined for T.B. pa- v. have oneself medically examined. Iparikunusir ang ímung asáwa ug mabdus ba, Have your wife examined to see if she is pregnant.
n. 1. record, official account of something Tan-áwa sa ríkurd pilay íyang grádu, Look into the records to see what his grades were; 2. the known or recorded facts about anything: one’s conduct, performance, one’s career. Si Dígu may ríkurd sa íyang pagkakriminal, Diego has a criminal record; 3. phonograph record; 4. record, the best performance. Ang íyang ríkurd wà pa hilupigi, No one has surpassed his record; v. put in the record. Iríkurd ang mga gastus, Record the expenses. klas — n. class record in school. -ing n. recording; v. have a recording session. Paghílum mu kay nagrikurding na mi, Keep quiet. We are recording.
v. 1. advertise a movie or some public event with a roving truck; 2. make the rounds to check, inspect. Murikurída ang pulis patrul sa tanang dapit káda gabíi, The police make their rounds in our neighborhood every evening; 3. make the rounds of something for pleasure. Girikurídas námù ang tanang nayit klab dinhi, We made the rounds of all the night clubs here; n. action of making the rounds to advertise something or check up.
n. souvenir, keepsake. Rikwirdu sa ílang kasal, Souvenirs of their wedding.
n. see rikisisiyun.
see rikisisiyun.
see rikisítus. see rikisíta.
v. relax, take it easy. Rilaks lang. Ayg kabaláka, Just take it easy. Don’t worry. Murilaks ku human sa iksámin, I’ll take a vacation after the exams.
a. shoddy, poor in workmanship; v. do work poorly or shoddily. Maáyu nang mananahía kay dì giyud murilansi sa íyang trabáhu, That seamstress is good because she never relaxes on the quality of her work.
n. 1. kinship by blood or marriage. Wà silay rilasiyun bísag paríhug apilyídu, They are not related even though they have the same surname; 2. love affair. Dúna tingáli rilasiyun ang manidyir ug ang sikritarya, The manager seems to be having an affair with the secretary; 3. relations among nations. Ang rilasiyun sa Pilipínas ug Malisya tandugun kaáyu, The Philippines’ relations with Malaysia are very shaky.
v. track
n. someone who relieves someone else on duty; v. relieve someone on the job, work on a rotation basis. Nagrilíbu mig bantay sa masakitun, We took turns watching the sick man. Girilibúhan na ba ang gwardiya? Has the guard been relieved?
n. religion, a subject in school consisting mainly of catechism; v. hold a religion class.
n. religion.
see rilihiyúsu (female).
a. religious, devout; v. be, become religious.
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