n. result
n. remnant
n. the note re in music. — minur n. d minor. — mayur n. d major.
short for kiri.
n. reaction. Nagkalainláin ang riaksiyun sa namínaw, The audience responded with various reactions; v. give someone a reaction. Wà siya riaksiyuni sa tambal, He was unaffected by the medicine.
see diay (dialectal).
see rdu.
n. discount. Adúnay singku pursintung ribáha ug bayran ug kás, There is a five percent discount if you pay cash; v. 1. allow a discount on something Iribáha ang útang sa swildu, Deduct the debt from the salary. Ribahái ang prisyu kay sigunda mánu man ni, Give me a discount because it is second hand; 2. deduct the tare weight. Dus kílus iribáha sa pisáda pára sa sáku, They will allow two kilos for the weight of the sack.
n. rival; v. be, become rivals; engage in rivalry. Ákung ribálan nang nangulitáwu ni Tinay, I’ll compete with him for Tinay’s hand. ka- n. rival.
v. 1. play a game again with the same adversaries. Makigribansa ug dúlà ang mga pildíru, The losers want to have a replay; 2. do something a second, third, or more time around. Human sa usa ka básu miribansa pag katulu, After the first glassful, they had another three; n. 1. in games, the second time around. Isyút ang pusta kay way ribansa ning duláa, Bet all you’re going to bet because there is going to be no replay; 2. something done the second or more time around.
v. 1. bounce. Hínay na muribáwun ning buláha, This ball bounces poorly; 2. get the rebounds in basketball. Hawud siyang muribáwun kay taas, He is good in catching the rebounds because he is tall; n. 1. bounce; 2. rebounds in basketball. -ir n. a ball that rebounds in basketball.
n. rebel; v. rebel. Muribildi ang bátà nga pinugngan, A child that is repressed usually rebels.
n. rebellion against the government in power; v. hold a rebellion. (→) v. settle something with a rebellion.
n. kind of reddish fish with a cylindrical body about the size of a firecracker.
see libintadur.
n. electronic mechanism which causes the sound to reecho or resound, usually used for guitars.
a. Reverend.
v. 1. inspect, examine something closely. Nagribisar ang isklibinti sa mga papílis kay dúnay impurtanting dukumintu nga nawani, The clerk is examining all the papers because an important document was misplaced; 2. revise, make changes. Naribisar ang ubang sirimunyas sa simbahan, They have revised some of the Church ceremonies. ribisádu n. something revised. Libru nga ribisádu, Revised edition books.
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