n. 1. whip. Latigu sa kabáyù, Horsewhip; 2. punishment inflicted with a whip. Nakadawat ug latigu kay nakasalà man, He got a whipping because he did something; 3. kind of aerial orchid with small, violet flowers and long, whip-like projections; v. 1. whip. Gilatigu sa kutsíru ang kabáyù kay misúki, The rig driver flogged his horse because it balked; 2. attack with scathing criticism. Ang kandidátu sa upusisiyun milatigu sa kaatbang, The opposition candidate lashed out at his opponent.
n. 1. syrup made of sugar and water or sugar and coconut milk; 2. sweet prepared from seedless breadfruit (kulu) cooked in syrup mixed with coconut milk; v. 1. make syrup, for syrup to develop. Ilúnud ang ságing kun mulatik (malatik) na ang gipabúkal nga kámay, Put in the bananas when the sugar turns into syrup; 2. put syrup on food; 3. prepare the latik made from breadfruit. -in- see latik, n2.
v. for a school of fish to swim near the surface and disturb it. Andáma ang inyung pasul kay nía na ang bansíkul naglátik, Prepare your lines because there is a school of mackerel thrashing around on the surface.
n. 1. Latin; 1a. special kind of prayer with magical effects. May nakat-unan kung latin nga sumpà sa kasukù, I know of a special prayer that works against anger; 2. a tongue-lashing. Ayaw paglangaylángay ug paúlì kay ang latin sa ímung asáwa taas ra ba kaáyu, Don’t tarry on your way home. Your wife’s tongue-lashings are no joke; v. 1. speak Latin; 1a. utter a special magical prayer; 2. give someone a tongue-lashing. Gilatinan ku ni Máma pagpaúlì nákù, Mother gave me a good tongue-lashing when I got home.
v. for a missile to ricochet. Ang bála dílì makalating kay húmuk ang yútà, The bullet cannot bounce off because the ground is soft. Nalatingan ku sa bála, The bullet ricocheted off on me.
v. for a wound or other injury to swell because of an infection. Muláting ang samad ug ibuwad sa ínit, A wound swells if you let the sun get on it.
n. tinsmith
n. a branching, semi-transparent seaweed, greenish in color and edible. It has small, rounded growths on the branches which pop when pressed.
v. 1. have so much of something that one loses pleasure in it or it fails to have the normal effect. Latúhun ta kag pakáun ug mangga, I’ll give you so many mangoes you will get sick of them. Nalátu na ku sa ímung pangatarúngan, I can’t believe your sob stories any longer; 2. feel nauseated from exposure to something, cause something to do so. Dugà sa tabákù ang ilátu sa tamalà, Stupefy the octopus with tobacco-leaf juice.
n. cassava flour, very fine, white sediment from cassava juice.
v. have a blank and stupid look on the face. Naglatuk lang ang tuntu. Wà makasabut, The idiot just stared blankly. He didn’t understand. Gilatukan lang ku sa íyang mata dihang ákung gisultíhan, She just stared at me blankly when I talked to her.
n. 1. cylindrical pail with the mouth as big as the bottom; 2. drum for petroleum products.
see alitundan.
a. very ripe, bordering on over-ripeness. Húmuk na kaáyu ang kapáyas kay latung na man, The papaya has turned soft because it is very ripe; v. be, become very ripe.
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