List of Cebuano words starting with the letter L - Page 64




n. nutrition

n. deformity

n. injury

n. disability






adj. watery



n. saliva. — ray puhúnan n. persuasive talk (lit. spit was all that was used). Láway ray ákung puhúnan áni kay ákù siyang giulug-ulúgan, I got this by fast talk because I soft-soaped him in giving it to me. (→) v. 1. drool. Milaway dáyun ákung bàbà pagkakità nákù sa hilawng mangga, My mouth watered when I saw the green mangoes. Maglaway siya nga matúlug, He drools when he sleeps; 2. feel very desirous of something one cannot have. Maglaway ta áning mga dátù nga makapalit bísag unsa, All we can do is drool at what rich people have. pa-(→) v. make someone desire something strongly which he cannot have. Dì úsà ku magminyù, magpalaway ku úsà sa mga laláki, I won’t get married yet. I’ll just let men drool over me. Ímu lang kung gipalaway sa ímung tíbi, You were just making me envious of your TV set. -an(→) n. 1. a folk doctor who treats patients with his saliva; 2. kind of carangoid fish, shiny-white in color, that spits a transparent, sticky liquid. lawaylaway n. name given to various whelks.






v. 1. touch, stir up something with the bare hands. Panghunaw kay milawgaw ka man sa pasaw, Wash your hands because you stirred the slop with them. Ayawg lawgáwa nang túbig imnunun, Don’t stick your hands in the drinking water; 2. be all mixed up, confused. Naglawgaw ang iksplikasiyun. Wà kung kasabut, His explanation was all mixed up. I couldn’t understand it. 2a. get to be no good. Nalawgaw ang ílang sáyaw kay yabag ang dúyug, Their dance number was unsuccessful because the music was out of tune; 3. mix into something and disturb its orderly performance. Ngánung gilawgaw man nímu si Pidru nga nangamural? Why did you butt in on Pedro just when he was proposing? a. 1. falling below good standards. Lawgaw tawhána puru lang sáad, He is no good. He is all promises; 2. mixed up and chaotic. Lawgaw tung iliksiyúna, dúnay pálit, The election was chaotic with rampant vote-buying; 3. creating disturbance or confusion in an otherwise orderly performance. Ay siyag paintraha sa sáyaw kay lawgaw, Don’t let him take part in the folk dance because he tends to bungle. maN-r- n. one who habitually creates trouble and confusion in otherwise smooth and peaceful proceedings.

láwi, láwì


n. sickle feather, one of the long curved feathers in the tail of domestic cocks. lawiláwi something like a tail feather. Lawiláwi sa kúgun, The flower of the cogon grass. lawían, lawíhan n. name given to fish of various families that have filamentous projections, usually from the fins.






v. 1. pasture livestock. Ilawig ang kábaw sa lagúna, Pasture the carabao in the meadow; 1a. give an additional length of line. Lawigi ang tugut sa tabánug, Pay out more string to the kite. Lawigi ang kábaw arun daghan ang masabsab, Give the carabao more rope so that it can graze over a wide area; 1b. tie an anchor to a boat. Lawigi ang sakayan arun dì madala sa sulug, Keep the boat anchored so the current won’t carry it away; 2. sail. Naglawig na ang barku pagdasmag sa unus, The boat was on the high seas when a storm hit us. Kadagátan nga gilawigan sa barku, The seas the ship sailed across; 2a. travel in general. Bag-u ka pa gánì nahiulì mulawig na pud ka? You have just arrived and now you are going to take another trip? n. 1. cord tied to something; 1a. anchor rope; 1b. tether rope; 1c. cord wound around the neck. Taas ug lawig ang íyang pag-antus, She has a long chain of suffering tied around her neck; 2. tentacles. -an place something is tethered. -l-an(←) n. province (lit. place one sails to). -um-(←) n. a slender thread which, in folk belief, attaches the placenta (inunlan) to the womb (matris) s.w. in the vicinity of the umbilical cord (púsud) and is the passageway for food from the mother to the baby. The lumáwig is considered very delicate, and if there is intense bleeding during childbirth it is believed due to a rupture of the lumáwig; v. have one’s lumáwig ruptured and then suffer intense bleeding.






n. variety of croton (kalípay).



n. cape



n. spit, a point of low land extending from the shore into the water; v. jut out. May unud nga daw tudlù ang milawis sa kumagkù sa táwu, A finger-like growth is sticking out from the man’s thumb. Nasungkù aku sa naglawis nga kawáyan, I bumped my head on a piece of bamboo that was sticking out. Gibaligyà ang yútà nga nalawis sa kinadak-an sa yútà, They sold the lot that was jutting out from the main portion of their land.






see alawiswis.



v. 1. for something almost cut off to dangle. Naglawit ang ákung tudlù kay nabakgutan sa sanggut, My finger is dangling because I nearly cut it off with a sickle; 2. hang, cling barely or precariously to something Naglawit ang kinabúhì sa masakitun sa usa ka lugas lánut, The patient’s life is hanging by a single thread. lawitlawit n. pieces of tissue hanging from cuts of meat.

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