including, included. Lakip na niíning báyad ang túbù, This payment includes also the interest. Nangamátay ang mga manuk sa tukdaw lakip ang mga pisù, All the chickens died of the pest including the chicks; v. 1. include in a group or activity; be, become included in a group or activity. Dì ku mulakip ug kasábà sa way lábut, I won’t scold (lit. include in the scolding) anyone who had no part in the ruckus. Wà ka malakip sa lista, You were not included in the list. Ayawg lakipa (ilakip) kining ámung yútà pagsukud, Do not include our land in your survey; 2. enclose something within something Nalakip tingáli ang risíbu sa sulat pagpadala, I must have accidentally enclosed the receipt in the letter when I sent it.
prep. including
n. lacquer; v. apply, put lacquer on something.
n. locker.
n. locket; v. have, wear or attach a locket.
v. for trousers, pants, underpants to be too loose. Mulaklak ang karsúnis basta luag ang hawakan, Trousers hang loosely if the hip part is loose. Naglaklak ang pundíyu, The undershorts are big around at the seat.
v. tear or peel something off with a certain amount of force. Makalaknit ba kahà ning hangína sa atup, I wonder if this wind can rip the roof off. Gilaknit ang íyang bág sa kawatan, A thief snatched her bag. Nalaknitan ug gamay ang ákung sinínà sa alambri, The wire ripped a small piece off my dress.
v. walk very lightly, hardly touching the ground. Naglakpawlakpaw siya sa katunukan, He walked carefully over the thorny ground.
n. tread
v. 1. make an impression on a surface. Mulakra sa iláwum nga papil ang ági kun iduut pagsulat, If you write with pressure it will leave a mark on the paper beneath it. Mga tudlù nga naglakra sa líug sa gibunù, Finger marks left on the murder victim’s neck; 1a. for something to show through a transparent or thin surface. Naglakra ang ímung panti kay hugut ang ímung sinínà, Your panties are showing through because your dress is too tight; 2. for feelings or emotions to show in one’s face. Milakra sa íyang nawung ang íyang kaguul, Her sorrow was apparent on her face; n. impression on a surface. Lakra sa banig sa íyang likud, Impression of the mat on his back; a. showing through clearly. Lakra kaáyu ang ímung tútuy sa ímung blawus, Your breasts show clearly through your blouse.
n. footsteps
n. measure of quantity: ten thousand. Usa ka laksang lubi, Ten thousand coconuts; v. reach ten thousand.
n. a laxative.
see laski.
v. 1. tear off, detach with a jerk. Mulaksì kug usa ka pálid sa ímung nutbuk, I’ll tear a sheet out of your notebook. Laksíun ku nang pahibalu nga gipapilit sa bungbung, I’ll tear off the notice pasted on the wall; 2. wipe out of one’s mind. Dì na malaksì gíkan sa ákung panumdúman ang átung kagahápun, Our past can never be obliterated from my memory.
a. bad, ugly, unpleasant to the senses. Laksut ug hitsúra, Ugly in face. Laksut ug batásan, Having bad manners. Laksut ug lamì, Tasting bad; v. be, become ugly. Milaksut (nalaksut) man hinúun ang ákung nawung nga gimik-ápan, This make-up makes my face uglier instead of prettier. Ang makalaksut (makapalaksut) sa managhigála ang panaglinibákay, What is bad among friends is when they backbite each other.
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