a. 1. brief, short in time. Sa lakbit nga pagkasulti, In short or briefly. Lakbit nga pagkakítà, A brief meeting; 2. sa — all of a sudden. Sa lakbit misantup sa íyang panumdúman, Suddenly it occured to him that ..; v. 1. make something brief. Átù lang ning lakbítug sulti, We’ll just say this briefly; 2. touch on something briefly and suddenly in the main course of the conversation. Lakhiti ku dihag ampù, Mention me in your prayers. Gilakbit níya pagtug-an ang tinúud, He revealed the truth in the course of his conversation; n. a brief portion, part. Usa ka gamayng lakbit sa ákung kagahápun, One small bit of my past. pa- v. drop hints. Gipalakbítan (gipalakbitan) ku níya sa íyang gustung pinaskúhan, She dropped some hints as to what she wanted for Christmas. pa- n. hints.
v. 1. for chickens to dash into fight for only a few clashes. Milakdap ang mungà sa banug, The hen dashed at the hawk. Naglakdap ang duha ka sunuy, The two roosters clashed for a short time; 1a. have chickens clash with each other; 2. swoop down over, whizz close by. Milakdap ang ayruplánu sa digíra, The plane swooped down over the battleship. Lakdapi siya pagpusil, Let a bullet whizz by him.
v. 1. swoop down. Banug da tung milakdup sa mga pisù, It was a hawk that swooped down on the chicks. Ilakdup ang ímung tabánug sa iyáha, Make your kite swoop down on his; 2. appear in one’s mind in a flash. Milakdup sa ákung panumdúman ang íyang mga túgun, His last words came back in my mind; n. swoop.
v. join strands of abaca fiber (lánut) end to end to make thread. -an(→) n. container into which the strands of fiber are laid after they have been joined.
v. tie a series of things together by means of a series of locked knots. Lakgutig maáyu ang mga nípà. Adtu ilakgut sa katsaw, Tie the palm shingles up firmly. Tie them to the rafters; n. tie that cannot come undone.
n. 1. male animal or plant; 2. descriptive term given to plants, where the same name is given to different species or varieties. The thorny and/or smaller variety or species is called laki, as opposed to a larger and smoother species or variety called bayi ‘female’. 3. paramour; v. 1. have male offspring; 2. see laláki, v. (←) n. see laláki; v. turn out to be a boy. Maáyu untag maláki ning ákung gisabak, It would be nice if my baby turned out to be a boy! laláki n. 1. human male. Laláki kaáyu siyang manlihuklihuk, He acts all man; 2. paramour. Pusilun ku ang laláki sa ákung asáwa, I’ll kill my wife’s paramour; 3. -ng búhat acting in a way proper to a man. Mu nay láking búhat nga makig-áwayg babáyi? Is that what a gentleman does—quarrel with a woman? 4. mau nay — Atta boy, that’s the way you ought to do it (said only to males). la-(←), panla-, panla-(←) v. have a paramour. Nanglaláki (naglalaki) ang íyang asáwa, His wife has a paramour. Gipanglalaki (gilalaki) níya ang íyang humagbus, She took her stepson for a lover. -in-(←) a. done like a male; man-like. Lináki ang íyang tupi, She has a man’s haircut; v. do things like a male. Mulináki ku ug ímu kung suhúlan, I’ll act like a man if you pay me. Ilináki (linakíha) ang ímung pagbayhun arun dì ka hiilhan nga báyut, Carry yourself like a man so people won’t recognize that you’re a fairy. -in- n. 1. man’s bicycle; 2. riding astraddle like a man; v. ride astride an animal or vehicle. Maglinaki ku pagbakráyid sa mútur, I’m going to ride astride the back of the motorcycle. pakala-(←) v. act like a man, consider, treat like a man. Kinahanglan kang magpakalaláki arun dì ka ingnung báyut, You have to act like a man so they won’t call you scared of women. kalalakin-an n. 1. the menfolk as a group; 2. see tag-(←). lakin-un a. a female that acts like a male, tomboy. tag-(←), taglakin-an, taglalakin-an n. the groom’s relatives at the wedding.
see laki.
n. splint to brace something broken: broken plants, broken bones, broken furniture legs, and the like; v. make into a splint, put a splint on. Gilakìlakían sa duktur ang ákung piang, The doctor put a splint on my broken arm.
adj. boyish
n. a card game in which the winning number of points is 9, wherein the face cards count zero; v. play lucky nine.
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