see lad-uk.
v. for a liquid to come out scantily from its source. Ígù na lang nilaguk ang túbig sa tubud, The water in the spring was just coming out in a few drops. Wà giyud mulaguk ang íyang mata sa pagkamatay sa íyang inahan, Not a tear formed in her eyes when her mother died. Wà na giyud maglaguk ang sanggutan tungud sa huwaw, The coconut palm didn’t produce a drop of toddy because of the drought.
(from lukluk) v. hide, conceal by staying out of sight or away from the open. Dì ka giyud makalagukluk ug pangitáun ka níla, You can’t hide from them if they look for you. Lawum ang lungag nga gilaguklúkan sa kasag, The hole where the crab hid itself was deep.
n. coarse fern with huge leathery pinnate leaves found in open mud flats, in mangrove swamps, and along tidal streams: Acrostichum aureum.
a. dirtyish white, greyish. Lagum ang linabhan ug dì iladlad, Washed clothes are greyish if they are not bleached. Lagum na ang íyang ngábil kay nagdúgayg húmul sa dágat, His lips are blue from staying in the water too long; v. be, become darkish, greyish in color. Milagum (nalagum) siya kay sígig kalígù sa dágat, He has become dark because he always goes swimming. paN-(←) v. get dark all over in color. Nanglágum ang bátà nga dúgayng natáwu, The baby that took long to be delivered is blue all over. Nanglágum ang bukubuku sa binunalan, His back is black and blue from being beaten too much.
(from lumlum) v. 1. for something to lie dormant and hidden beneath or inside something Naglagumlum sa átung kabukíran ang daghang mína, Ores to be mined are lying dormant in our mountains. Naglagumlum nga kahadluk sa íyang dughan, Fear lurking in her heart; 2. keep something one doesn’t own or should share for oneself. Ang tagakustum kusug mulagumlum sa dílì íla, The Customs people are quick to keep things that don’t belong to them. Ayaw lagumlúma ang sikrítu. Ibutyag, Don’t keep the secret to yourself. Tell us. 3. stay s.w. for some good reason. Milagumlum siyag usa ka simána sa íyang panágat, He stayed out fishing for a week. Unsay ímung lagumlúman sa tubaan, dì ínum? What are you hanging around at the toddy stand for if not to drink?
black and blue
a. producing a crunchy sound. Lagumù ang sinángag mais kan-un, Roasted grains of corn are crunchy to eat; v. make a crunching, grinding sound. Milagúmù ang bildu nga gigaling, The glass made a crunching noise as it was ground.
v. fall down helpless on the floor, ground, ring, etc. Milagúmuk sa ring ang kuntra ni Ilurdi, Elorde’s opponent fell prostrate on the ring.
n. the sound of something brittle which is being crushed; v. produce this sound. Milagumuk ang itlug nga ákung hitumban, I stepped on the egg and it made a crunching sound.
n. a meadow; v. turn into a weed-covered field.
n. lagoon
n. kind of shrub of thickets and waste places, bearing palmately-arranged groups of fine leaflets, with a velvety undersurface, used as a poultice for panúhut: Vitex negundo.
n. heap
n. name given to flies larger than houseflies, including the bluebottle fly; v. be infested with lagung. Gilagung ang patayng irù, The dead dog was covered with bluebottle flies. ambut sa — see ambut. simbaku — see simba.
n. screeching, ripping sound. Ang lagunit sa tayaung lansang nga giibut, The screeching of the rusty nail that was pulled out; v. make a ripping, screeching sound. Naglagunit ang papil nga gilaksì sa bungbung, The paper that was ripped off the wall made a ripping sound.
n. dull ripping sound, as when weeds are pulled out; v. make a dull ripping sound. Milagunut ang gamut sa sagbut nga giibut, The roots of the weeds made a dull ripping sound as they were uprooted.
n. dull cracking sound of bones. (←) v. for bones to make a dull cracking sound.
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