v. emit a ripping, tearing sound. Nagkalaginit ang pánit nga giláras, The leather that was sliced gave a ripping sound; n. a ripping, tearing sound. Nadungug námù ang lagínit sa pagkasìsì sa íyang karsúnis, We heard the sound of his trousers ripping. -in- see lagínit, n.
n. a sharp, snapping or cracking sound. Ang lagitì sa pistúlang gikák, The snapping of the pistol that was cocked; v. make a cracking, snapping sound. Milagitì ang gamayng sanga nga ákung natumban, The twig cracked when I stepped on it. Ang asin mauy nakalagitì (nakapalagitì) sa káyu, The salt thrown into the fire made it crackle. -in- see lagitì, n.
a. intense heat of the sun. Mulakaw kang lagiting ang ínit? Do you have to go when the heat is scorching? v. for the sun’s heat to get intense.
v. run away, escape from a place. Milagiw (nalagiw) ang mutsatsa kay gidagmálan, The maid ran away because she was badly treated. Unsay ímung gilagiwan sa inyu? What did you escape from at home? Ilagiw ang ímung uyab gíkan sa íyang pamanhunun, Take your girl away from her husband-to-be; n. escapee, stowaway. Nasakpan ang lagiw sa pínal kuluni, They caught the escapee from the penal colony. ka- v. see lagiw. kágiw see kalagiw.
n. spiny outgrowths from bamboo plants; v. gather lagiwliw.
n. makeshift shelter for staying in temporarily; v. make a temporary shelter. Naglagkaw ang mga bakwit sa lasang, The evacuees erected lean-to’s in the forest. -in- a. built like a temporary shelter.
a. 1. fallen off. Mga laglag nga dáhun, Fallen leaves; 2. destroyed, ruined. Laglag nga mga damgu, Ruined dreams; v. 1. fall off, cause to do so. Ang hángin naglaglag sa mga lusuk sa humay, The wind caused the grains of rice to fall off. Nagkalaglag ang íyang buhuk human masakit sa típus, Her hair has been constantly falling off after her bout with typhoid. Gilaglag níyag túyù ang panyù arun nákù punitun, She dropped the handkerchief on purpose so that I would pick it up. 2. abort, have a miscarriage or an abortion. Prisúhun ang duktur nga mulaglag ug bátà, A doctor who performs abortions will be put in prison. Bag-u pa siya nga nalaglágan, She just had a miscarriage; 3. bring to a downfall, destroy. Ang Diyus naglaglag sa Súdum, God destroyed Sodom. ma-un a. destructive. Malaglágung hunàhúnà, Destructive thoughts.
adj. haggard
see lalum.
see lugmaw.
adj. quick
likely, the chances are very good that something will happen. Ayúhag báat kay lagmit mabadbad ang hukut, Tie it well because the knot will likely come undone. Lagmit sa (ang) mapasahan sa gútum mabúang, A person who has become over-hungered is likely to go crazy. ma- see lagmit. ka-an 1. see lagmit; 2. probability. Ang kalagmítan nga may gíra dílì ikalimud, It cannot be denied that there is a good likelihood of war.
n. impulse, what one wants to do at a certain instant. Unsa may lagmun ku? Sa pagkakità kung nanágan sila, midágan sab ku, When I saw them run away, my impulse was to run away, too.
a. loose, sagging. Lagnak ra nang pagkahigut sa muskitíru, The mosquito net has been tied so that it is sagging; v. be, become slack, loose. Nagkalagnak ang íyang mga sinínà gíkan sa íyang pagkasakit, Her dresses have become too loose for her after her sickness.
v. for water to spread out or flow over. Mulagnas ang túbig sa subà ngadtu sa pilapílan ug tingbáhà, Water from the river spreads over the rice paddies during the flood season. Basta dakung dágat maglagnas ang ámung sílung, When the tide is high, water spreads under our house.
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