n. etiquette
n. motto
a. careless, not giving something its proper attention; v. 1. do something without proper care. Mulagdas (mupalagdas) lang nag higdà bísan ása, He lies down any old place. Hikaiktan kay naglagdas man lag sulti, He got scolded because he spoke without thinking. Gipalagdásan (gilagdásan) lang níla ang nigusyu maung nabangkarúta, They just let their business go, so it went bankrupt; 2. be any old place, everywhere. Gibutangan nákug hilu ánang gabíi. Pagkabuntag nanglagdas na ang ilagà, I put out poison for the rats that night, and in the morning the rats were scattered all over the place; 3. see pa-, 1. pa- v. 1. stay in a place without moving away, though there may be good reason to settle elsewhere. Mupalagdas (magpalagdas) lang ku sa ámù kay mahadluk kung mulangyaw, I’ll stay in our place forever because I’m afraid to migrate; 2. fish with the palagdas set s.w; n. fishing with a pole which is left alone s.w. and tended only when something bites. pama- v. put in an application s.w. on a slim chance. Mamalagdas lang kug aplay dihà básin pag dawátun, I’ll try my luck in applying in case I am accepted.
n. droplets. Gagmayng lagdù nga namilit sa kadahúnan, Small droplets that stuck to the leaves; v. form droplets, fall in droplets. Milagdù ang ákung mga lúhà sa ákung kaapíngan, My tears formed droplets on my cheeks.
n. 1. a small stake; 2. penis (humorous slang). 3. — ang anínu noon (lit. for the shadow to have been driven in the ground like a stake). 3a. noon (short for lagduk ang anínu). Lagduk na (ang anínu) pag-abut námù, It was noon when we arrived; v. 1. drive a small stake into the ground. Maglagduk kug tugwáyan sa kábaw, I’ll drive a peg to tether my carabao to. 1a. stick something into something Ilagduk ang kandílà sa kik, Stick the candles into the cake; 1b. hold oneself upright and firm. Makalagduk na si Bíbi pagtindug, Baby can stand by herself now; 2. put a fighting cock out in the yard by staking the tether string to the ground. Kinsay naglagduk sa manuk diris gardin? Who tied the cock here in the garden? 3. in bowling, throw the ball keeping the feet together in place without moving them or taking a step. Nakalagduk na ku, apan wà ku kadaug, I tried throwing the ball without taking a step, but I couldn’t win; 4. for the sun to be directly above one. Mulagduk ang adlaw ug maalas dúsi, The sun gets directly above you at twelve o’clock; 4a. be, become noon. Gilagdúkan na lang siya sa adlaw wà pa giyud mahumag dáru, It was already noon, and he still had not finished plowing; 4b. for something to be above one like the sun. Milagduk ákung tabánug, My kite soared above me. 4c. for the eyes to roll upwards. Milagduk íyang mata sa kalamì, Her eyes rolled upward in ecstacy. (→) v. become absent-minded. Uy, gilagduk na tingáli ka kay walà ka makapanira sa ímung karsúnis, My, you have become absent-minded because you haven’t buttoned up your pants. -an(→) see lagduk. n 1.
n. sinker for a fishing line, net, or any other rope dropped into the sea; v. use or put a sinker.
adj. ample
see lahang (plural), a and v.
a. low and throaty in voice. Laghaw ang tíngug ni Lurin Bakal, Lauren Bacall had a low and throaty voice; v. be, become husky, rasping. Makalaghaw (makapalaghaw) ug tíngug ning sip-un, Colds make the voice weak and throaty.
a. for something in grains or powder to be hard and dry. Gaan ang laghay nga munggus, Dry mung beans are light. — nga ubu dry cough, difficult with no discharge; v. be, become hard and dry. Ilaghay (lagháya) paglung-ag ang kan-un, Cook the rice hard and dry so that each grain is separate.
(from lahus) v. proceed, take something directly s.w. Dì ku magdúgay dinhi. Mulaghus ku sa ákung gidulngan, I won’t stay here long. I’ll go directly to the place I’m headed for; a. straight without bends.
[deictic, demonstrative pron.] after all!
of course!
particle used to assert emphatically that something is what it is. 1. particle giving assurance about something the interlocutor may be inclined to disbelieve: believe it or not, I assure you (so-and-so) is the case. Ayaw ug kabaláka kay muabut lagi si Máma mu, Don’t worry. Your mother will come back. Wà lagi nákù tuyúa. Ayaw kasukù, I told you I didn’t mean to do it. You shouldn’t get angry; 1a. in narration, a particle acknowledging that there might be reason to disbelieve: believe it or not. Ang manuk lagi ni Pidru nga bayat nakabunù, Believe it or not, that weakling cock of Pedro’s managed to win! 1b. — kay because, after all, that is what one would expect. Tungud lagi kay abtik man tu siya, siyay nakadaug, And since he was, after all, pretty smart, he won; 2. expressing surprise at something contrary to one’s expectations. Ingun kang wâ. Nía ra man lagi, You said it was gone, but here it is! Ingun kang dílì mulubad, milubad man lagi, You said it wasn’t going to fade, but it did; 2a. náa na pud — expression of deep exasperation at something that occurred a second time, which already was exasperating to start out with. Náa na pud lagi. Ímu na pung gihilabtan, There you go again. You touched it again; 2b. apan — but despite what might have been expected. Apan lagi, dinhi puy pipila nga nanambung, However, there were a few who attended; 2c. (so-and-so) is the case, after all, much as one might wish it otherwise. Nalípay nga naadtu sa Amirika ang ílang anak, piru kay anak man lagi, mingawun giyud sila, They are happy that their son went to the States, but because he is, after all, their son, they will miss him; 2d. with a repeated command or request: didn’t I tell you to do (so-and-so)? Now do it! Ibutang lagi nang kutsilyu, Didn’t I tell you to put that knife down? Ayaw lagig sábà, I said stop that noise. Tris lagi. Dì lagi ni ikatúgut ug dus, I said three. I told you I can’t let you have it for two; 3. indicating that the speaker was right all along about a certain point in contention: see, I told you. Lagi, giingnan ta lagi kang hustu tu, See, I told you that was right! ‘Uu. Mubálik giyud ku. Duul ra man.’ — ‘Lagi,’ ‘Yes, I will come back again. Anyway, it’s right close.’ — ‘Yes (that’s what I’ve been saying).’ dáan pa — [gen.] that’s what [gen.] thought. Dáan pa lagi ku, wà siya dinhi, That’s just what I thought! He’s not here; 3a. conceding a point with some reservation. ‘Gwápu siyag kutsi.’ — ‘U lagi, piru inútang,’ ‘He’s got a nice car.’ — ‘He sure does, but it’s not his.’ v. emphatically assure someone by saying lagi to him. Dì ku musálig sa íyang pasálig bísan ug gilagihan ku níya, I won’t count on his promises even though he assured me emphatically.
kinds, quality. Lagilági ang buluk sa bángaw, The rainbow has various colors; v. be, get, make various kinds. Dílì ta makalagilági sa putáhi kun wà tay kwarta, We can’t have all different kinds of food if we have no money. Ayaw lagilagíha (ilagilági) ang ímung ági, Don’t vary your penmanship. ka- of all different kinds; v. be of all different kinds. Ang útan nga magkalagilági lamían, A vegetable stew of various kinds of vegetables tastes good.
v. smooth sticks by scraping or whittling off unnecessary edges. Siyay milagilhi sa kawáyang igsalálug, He smoothed the slats to put in as flooring.
see lúging.
n. soft tinkling sound. Ang lagingling sa kampanilya, The tinkling of the small bell. Ang lagingling sa íyang kinataw-an, The tinkling of her laughter; v. make a tinkling sound.
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