v. 1. redeem something pawned or mortgaged. Marimáti ang singsing ug dì nímu lukatun, The ring will be foreclosed if you do not redeem it. 2. ransom. Gilukat na ang gikidnap, The man that was kidnapped has been ransomed; 2a. redeem, save (figurative). Malukat ku ra gihápun siya sa íyang kalisud, I can save her from her difficulties; 2b. redeem, compensate for. Ang íyang kaligdung makalukat sa kalaksut sa íyang dagway, His good manners make up for his ugly face; 2c. — sa signus v. in folk belief, an occurrence or happening which spares a person’s life by taking someone who dies in his stead. Gituhúan nga lukatun ang signus sa tag-íya sa íyang mga buhì, It is believed that domestic animals spare their owners from death by dying in their stead; 3. pay a fee and get something back that one had fixed or reworked. Lukata nag gipaáyu nímung rilu, Go pick up the watch you had repaired now; 4. pay for tokens of privilege like tickets, licenses, etc. Mularga giyud ku kay nakalukat na kug tíkit, I’m really going to leave now because I already paid for my ticket. Díay písus ilukat ug sidula, Here is one peso to pay for a residence certificate; 5. — ug áway, lális get involved in a dispute or fight. Ayawg tambag ánang lantúgì kay makalukat kag lális, Don’t give advice to people who are arguing because you will just get trouble for yourself; n. 1. amount for redemption or ransom; 2. fee for having something made or repairs done. -an(←) see lukat, n. Pila may ákung lukátan (lukat) ning sinináa? How much do I pay to have this dress sewn?
v. uproot something, prying the roots out of the ground. Ang bagyu mauy nakalúkat (nakapalúkat) sa lumbuy, The typhoon uprooted the lumbuy tree. Lukáta nang muhun ug ibalhin, Dig out that buried landmark and move it.
coconut leaf
n. coconut palm leaves. lukaylúkay 1. the bridge of the nose, including the central bony ridge that separates the nostrils; 2. see hanlulúkay. han-r-(←) see hanlulúkay.
v. uproot a finger or toenail. Nagkalukba ang íyang kuku nga nalaswahan, His toenail that got scalded is falling off. Tug-an arun dì lukbáhun ímung kuku. Confess so they don’t pull your fingernails out.
see lubuk.
v. 1. carry a load on the head. Mas sayun pag lukdúhun (lukdúun, ilukdu) nákù ang duwang, It would be easier for me to carry the basin on my head; 2. for one to be so many years old. Bísan pa sa katuígan nga íyang gilukdu batan-un siyang tan-áwun, He carries his years well. He still looks young; 3. — ug kalbásà be held back a grade. Makalukdu ka giyug kalbásà ug dì ka magtuun, You will fail the grade if you don’t study.
n. name given to many species of ornamental ferns.
n. the slender-billed cuckoo dove: Macropygia phasianella.
a. one-testicled, having one testicle not descended. Ang lukguk dì kapamabdus, A man with only one testicle cannot get a woman pregnant.
v. 1. tuck in, put in between two hugging surfaces. Si Nánay pay mulukim sa ákung púlu, Mother tucks my shirt in for me. Ilukim ang kwarta sa libru arun mahúping, Put the peso bill between the pages of the book to make it smooth; 2. give a little money to someone who would naturally refuse it in such a way that he will accept it (putting it into his pocket). Ilukim lang ning písus dihà pára panigarilyu, Here’s a peso for cigarettes; 3. sew a fold into a garment. Ákung gilukiman ang ákung sinínà kay taas ra kaáyu, I sewed a fold in my dress to make it shorter because it was too long.
see lyukimya.
a. knock-kneed. Dáan na siyang luking sa íyang pagkatáwu, She has been knock-kneed since birth.
v. enclose or insert something in a letter. Ilukip ring bayinti sa birtdi kard, Enclose this twenty-peso bill in the birthday card.
v. 1. go, put into a tight or hidden place. Sawang naglukluk sa kakugnan, A snake lurking in the grass. Ilukluk ang kwarta sa sikrítu, Put the money into your watch pocket; 2. get someone into a job (slang). Ang uyuan níyang kungrisman mauy naglukluk níya sa Kustum, His uncle who is a Congressman got him into the Customs; a. put in such a way that it is hidden or not easy to get at. Lukluk kaáyung pagkabutang sa tutbrás sa iláwum sa bág, The toothbrush was put way in the bottom of the bag.
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