v. for structures or people to collapse. Ang línug mauy naglugmuk sa Rúbi Táwir, The earthquake destroyed the Ruby Tower. Nalugmuk sa simbahan ang táwung nakuyapan, The man who fainted in church suddenly collapsed. pa- v. tear down structures. Ipalugmuk sa gubyirnu ang mga bawungbáwung, The government will tear the shacks down.
see lukmuy.
v. 1. for plants to die from disease or from being past the fruit-bearing age. Gagmay nag búnga ang tamátis kay hápit na malugnas, My tomato plants are bearing few fruits now because they will soon wither and die; 2. be brought to utter ruin. Nalugnas ang íyang nigusyu kay miintra siya sa súgal, His business was brought to utter ruin because he took to gambling; 3. for structures to fall apart. Dílì na madúgay nga malugnas ang balay kay dáan na kaáyu, It won’t be long for the house to fall apart because it is very old.
v. struggle to free oneself from something that holds one. Ayawg ilugnut ímung buktun ug gunítan ka paglabang, Do not pull your arm away when I’m holding on to you to cross the street. paN- v. struggle vigorously to get free. Nagpanglugnut ang babáying gikidnap, The girl struggled vigorously to get loose from her abductors.
adv. hardly
v. 1. see lupad; 2. fly up. Milugpad ang abug paglabay sa trák, Dust flew up when the truck passed by. 3. send someone reeling as though flying. Mulugpad ka run ug suntúkun ta ka, I’ll send you reeling if I strike you.
n. vice
v. pin something down tightly or between two things. Tabángi kug lugpit sa kúgun íring duha ka lipak, Help me fasten the grass thatch down with those two pieces of bamboo. Lugpíti (lugpiti) ang libru sa íluk, Hold your book tightly under your arm. Hilugpitan ákung tudlù pagsira nákù sa húnus, I caught my finger when I closed the drawer; n. 1. something used to clip or pin something tightly down or against something; 2. chord on a guitar formed by pressing the finger straight across the strings. pa- v. cause something to be pinned down. Puting kamisadintru nga íyang gipalugpítan (gipalugpitan), A white shirt which he had tucked in.
v. pop up like a jack-in-the-box. Milugput ku sa silya sa kakurat, I shot up from my seat in my fright. Layù siyag gilugpútan pagkalingkud níyag dágum, He jumped a mile when he sat on a pin.
n. advantage given in betting where the odds are not even. Ang lugru tris kuntra sa ímung dus, The advantage is three to your two; v. give advantage in betting, not said of tossing coins. Lugrúhan ta sila ug singku tris arun mudáwat sila sa pusta, We will give them an advantage of five to three so that they will take the bet.
v. 1. get to the ground or bottom. Milugsad na ang ayruplánu sa tugpahánan, The airplane has landed at the airport. Naglugsad sila samtang kami nagtungas, They were coming down the hill while we were going up. 2. bring something down. Adúnay mulugsad (maglugsad) sa mga abut ngadtu sa lungsud, someone will bring the produce down to the town.
v. 1. go, bring downhill, to town. Mantinir lang únà tag manuk kay wà mi makalugsung, Let’s just put up with chicken because we haven’t had a chance to go down to town (to buy anything better). Maglugsung sila sa ílang mga pruduktu ngadtu sa lungsud, They bring their products down to the city. Unsay ímung lugsúngun maduminggu? What do you go to town for on Sundays? 2. eat canned fish (humorous); n. 1. — sa down to. Kining kasagingan gíkan dinhi lugsung sa subà ákù, This banana plantation from here down to the river is mine; 2. canned fish (so called from the joke that mountaineers consider canned fish better than chicken because they have to go down to get it—see the first sentence under v). -un, -un(→) a. downhill.
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