n. half a month; v. do on a bimonthly (twice a month) basis. Sukad karun dì na sinimanal. Kinsináhun (ikinsína) nátù nà, From now on, we won’t do it every week. We’ll do it twice a month. Culu- every half month. -in-(→), -l-(→) n. by the fifteen days. Kininsina (kinsinal) ang ámung pagswildu, We pay salaries every fifteen days.
— martsa fifth gear of vehicular engines. — siniyal the fifth signal in a typhoon; v. do, put into fifth gear.
a. 1. for horses, dogs to be sprightly, frisky. Ang ákung kabáyù batan-un, abtik, ug kintà, My horse is young, alert, and frisky; 2. self-confident in a posturing, showy way. Kintà siyang musulti, mu rag siya ray kamau, He speaks so self-confidently—as if he were the only one who knew how. Mukintà ang kabáyù nga laki basta dúul sa bayi, The male horse becomes frisky if there is a female around; 2. be, become self-confident in a showy, posturing way.
1. let’s just consider how it would be—perhaps it is so, perhaps not. Naghátag sila arun kinta pagpakítà sa kadaghánan, They gave some perhaps just for appearances’ sake (or perhaps in all honesty). 1a. supposing that it is or will be the case. Kinta nagtúu kang kináwat ku kadtu. Unsay pagtúu mu kanákù—kawatan? Supposing you think I stole it. What do you think I am, a thief? Kinta ig-adtu ku didtu, bayran na ku nímu? Let’s say I go there. Will you pay me? Kinta bungatan kag dyís, hangyúag dus, If he offers to sell it for, say, ten, offer two for it. 1b. let’s say for the sake of the game or the story. Ang nakakuhag dyís puntus, kinta, muy mananáug, The one who gets, say, ten points wins. Ang gilay-un sa ílang balay gíkan sa ámù, ingun kinta dinhi ug ngadtu sa Kapitulyu, Their house was about as far from ours as, say, it is from here to the Capitol; 2. pretending to be. Naghilak kinta ka, ayaw paila nga nagkumidiya, You’re supposed to be crying. Don’t let on you’re joking; 2a. since (so-and-so) is, after all, the case. Ikaw man kintay pinyalan dinhi—ayúha pagdá ning ímung mga sákup, You’re supposed to be in charge here, so treat your men fairly; 3. kay — why, is (so-and-so) really the case (when it shouldn’t be)? Kay kinta ikaw bay magbuut dinhi? Why, do you think you have the right to have the say here? Kay kinta siya ra giyuy taypist—mangítà tag láin, What the hell. Does he think he’s the only typist in the world? We’ll look for another one. Kay kinta patrabahúun pa giyud kug maduminggu? What? Do I have to work on Sundays, too? kintáhay see kinta, 1, 2.
a. shining, gleaming with a steady reflected light. Kintab kaáyu ang pagkalimpiya sa ímung sapátus, Your shoes have been polished very shiny; v. become clean and shiny.
n. a unit of weight measurement roughly equalling fifty kilograms; v. reach or add up to a kintal. Ug mukintal (makintal) ang timbang sa kupras ibaligyà, If you get enough copra to make fifty kilograms, sell it.
a. short, for something to be hanging such that its lower edge is more above the ground than normal. Kintid kaáyu ang íyang míni, Her miniskirt is very short; v. come out too short. Magkakintid ang kurtína káda laba, The curtains become shorter every time they are washed.
n. variety of celery (Apium graveolens) with narrow stalks, the leaves of which are used as a seasoning in Chinese dishes.
1. fifth grade. Kútub ra ku sa kintu, I just went as far as the fifth grade; 2. fifth grader. Kintu na si Maríya, Maria is a fifth grader now. — distrítu n. fifth congressional district. — grádu n. fifth grade. — limbu n. a region bordering Hell, where souls of unbaptized children are consigned. Bísan ug magtágù ka sa kintu limbu, pangitáun ta giyud ka, Even if you hide in the fifth limbo, I’ll look for you; v. be in the fifth grade, be fifth in rank.
v. 1. move, be on one’s tiptoes. Mukintu ang mubù arun makakità sa intabládu, The short person will stand on his tiptoes to see the stage. Magkintu ta paglakaw kay dúnay natúlug, Let’s walk on our tiptoes because there’s someone asleep; 2. be cautious, be extra wary of someone Magkintu giyud ming Tátay kay istriktu kaáyu, We are very circumspect with Dad because he is quite strict; n. high-heels. -in- see kintu, n.
n. quintuplets.
v. shake something Akuy mukinù sa alkansiya ug bug-at na ba, I’ll shake the piggy bank to see if it’s heavy. Mukinù giyud ang lahing, A mature coconut sloshes when you shake it. — ang útuk v. become somewhat mentally unbalanced. Nakinuan siya sa útuk dihang nabangkarúta, He went slightly crazy after he went bankrupt; n. 1. mature fruit of the coconut. Ang mga kinù lang mauy taktákun, Only the mature fruit of the coconut should be harvested; 2. — ug útuk mentally unbalanced.
n. collection
v. 1. shrivel up. Mukínul ang útin human ug tíra, The penis shrinks after coitus. Ínit mauy makakínul (makapakínul) sa kupras, Heat causes copra to shrivel; 2. become callous, insensitive after being subjected to something for too long. Mikínul na nang batáa ug kinasábà, The child got hardened to the parents’ constant scolding.
n. statue
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