v. move the jaw up and down in a chewing motion, munch. Pirming magkisapkisap ang kábaw bísag dì manabsab, A carabao is always munching even if it’s not grazing. Maáyu ning swinggam kisapkisapun samtang magdúlà, It’s good to chew gum while playing.
v. fail to follow through on something set forth. Mukisas ka sa átung sábut, You don’t adhere to our agreement. Kining mga pitsipitsing gastu mauy makakisas (makapakisas) sa átung badyit, These miscellaneous expenses wreak havoc with our budget.
v. 1. make a soft, pleasant rustling sound. Mukísaw lang ang kalasangan ug huypun sa hángin, The forest rustles only when the wind blows through it. 2. disturb the water. Ayaw kisáwa ang túbig kay dúnay namasul, Don’t disturb the water because someone is fishing; 3. hum with activity. Magkísaw ang kusína ug mapista, The kitchen hums with activity during fiestas; 4. stir up, disturb the peace. Nakísaw ang ílang pamuyù sa parinting niípun, The relatives which moved in with them disturbed their peace; 4a. confuse someone’s mind. Usa ka dakung suliran mikísaw sa íyang kaisípan, A serious problem is disturbing his thoughts. Kisáwan kaáyu ku niánang dúwà nga madyung, I find mahjong very confusing; n. 1. sound of rustling or splashing; 2. activity; a. disturbing or confusing. ka- see kísaw, n.
v. thrash the arms and legs around in water to stay afloat or thrash the legs and arms about while lying on the back. Bísag dì makamaung mulanguy basta mukisaykísay (mangisaykísay) lang dílì giyud malumus, Even if you don’t know how to swim, if you thrash your arms and legs about, you won’t drown. Nagkisaykísay ang bátà sa kúna, The baby thrashed its arms and legs about in its crib.
v. 1. for the sky to darken. Nagkisdum ang panahun kay may bagyung muabut, The weather is gloomy because a typhoon is coming; 2. for the face to get a gloomy and frowning expression. Nagkisdum ang nawung. Nasukù tingáli, He has a dark expression on his face. He must be angry.
see kisdum.
see gisì.
v. 1. wriggle around as if to get free. Nagkisikisi ang isdà sa ákung kamut, The fish wriggled in my hand; 2. for a child to stamp its feet, jump around or just insist on fulfilling its desire. Magkisikisi (magkisikísi) ang bátà ug dì paubanun, The child throws a tantrum if you don’t let him go along. pa- v. insist, be insistent. Mipakisi siya pag-adtu bísag gibalibáran, She insisted in going though she wasn’t permitted to.
I don’t care, to hell with it. Kisibáyag kurawun sila, dì ku giyud sila tabángan, I don’t care if they starve. I won’t help them. Kisibáya nang kwartáha. Kalimti, To hell with that money. Forget it.
n. kind of cheese made from carabao milk.
v. scrape, to remove, smooth, or get scrapings. Nagkiskis ku sa tayà sa mga kubyirtus, I’m scraping the rust off the silverware. Kiskísun nákù ang bágun kay gamítun ang pánit, I’ll scrape the vine because I would like to use the bark. -an(→) n. corn mill that grinds to a highly polished degree. -in- n. scrapings left. -in-an n. thing scraped.
n. potholes, small depressions formed by water. hi-/ha- v. fall or step accidentally into a water-filled depression. Nakislabù siya sa las-ag, He stepped into a mud puddle. ka- v. be all full of potholes. Nagkakislabù ning dána, This road is full of holes.
n. gleam, sparkle. Ang kislap sa íyang mga mata, The gleam in her eyes; v. sparkle, flash momentarily. Ang tinúud nga diyamanti mukislap, A true diamond will sparkle. Nagkislap ang suwab nga nasilawan, The blade flashed in the sunlight.
see kusmu.
n. short strands of hair near the forehead curled upwards, called the ‘kiss me’ hair style. Nagwápa kag samut nga náay ímung kismi, You look prettier with your ‘kiss me’ curls; v. have a ‘kiss me’ curls.
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