v. 1. wriggle, move rapidly in a wriggling motion. Mikíriw ang íkug sa tùtù nga naputul, The house lizard’s tail squirmed when it was cut off. Tudlù nga nagkiriw sa tikla, Fingers that flew over the keyboard; 1a. cause something to move or wriggle about. Nagkíriw na lang mig agipu pag-ulì, We lighted our way home by shaking a glowing stick back and forth; 2. wriggle with the itch to do something Magkiriw sa pagsáyaw ang ákung tiil ug dúnay sunáta, My foot itches to dance when there is music; 3. steal something of little value. Bantáyi nang sinsilyu kay kiríwun unyà, Keep an eye on that change because someone might swipe it. -an(→) a. tending to swipe things.
n. robber
n. thief
n. skin eczema caused by mites, characterized by intense itching which spreads with scratching; v. have this eczema. Sígi lang siyag pangáwut kay gikirkir siya, He kept scratching with his kirkir. -un a. having kirkir.
n. cherubim, heavenly beings of some sort.
see *kilug.
v. 1. do something hurriedly in less time than one has available. Mikírus dáyun mig panghípus pag-abut sa tiligráma nga papaulíun mi, We hurriedly got busy packing when we received the wire to go home. Unsa may inyung gikirúsan? Náay bag-ung niabut? Why are you bustling and hustling about? Is there a new arrival? 2. scratch an itch intensely. Mikírus siya ug pangálut, She started to scratch violently; 2a. itch to do something Mikírus siya sa kahínam sa pag-abli sa sulat, She was itching to open the letter. paN-(→) v. itch to do something.
v. pinch to inflict pain. Unsa bay salà nákù nga gikirut mu man aku? What have I done to make you pinch me? n. pinching.
n. kyrie eleison in the mass; v. be at the kyrie eleison.
see kriyulína.
v. 1. kiss (usually said for babies). Ngánung dì man ka mukís? Why don’t you want to kiss me? 2. for two or more balls in billiards to be just touching. Ug nakalígid pag singku mukís (makís) untà tu sa katursi, Had the number five ball rolled it would have touched number fourteen. Nagkís ang bulimánu ug ang dús, The lead ball is touching the number two ball.
see kásà.
n. socket for an electric bulb that has a switch in it.
n. ceiling
n. ceiling of a house; v. put up the ceiling. Kinahanglang kisamihan ang balay nga sín kay ínit, A house with iron-sheet roofing must have a ceiling because it’s hot.
see kisapkisap.
a. for eyes to have sand in them. Kisap kaáyu ang ákung mata ug katulgun ku, My eyes get sand in them when I am sleepy; v. for the eyes to get sand in them.
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