v. 1. rush, lunge into an obstacle or opposition. Ang irù mihasmag kaníya, The dog rushed at him. Kausa ra hasmági ang bakilid sa buldúsir, natumpag dáyun, The bulldozer smashed into the hillside once and the whole thing came crumbling down; 2. for emotions to appear in overwhelming suddenness. Gihasmágan aku sa kamíngaw, I am overwhelmed with loneliness; n. action of lunging into.
n. kind of paper used as backing put around the bound edge in book binding; v. use this kind of paper.
followed by a subject: even (the subject) has done it or had it happen to him! Hasta ikaw gitugkag katáhap nákù! Have you, too, lost faith in me! Hasta mga bátà gipatay, Even the children were put to death. Hasta pa gánì ang mga bátà maantígu nang mangílad, Even the little children know how to cheat. — labista goodbye, till we meet again.
see pastilan.
see haslù.
v. pump, cock the loading and ejecting mechanism of a rifle. Hasuun nímu ang iskupíta úsà ka makatíru, You must pump the shotgun before you can fire.
v. push something into a container and tamp it down to fill it tight. Hasuga (ihasug) ang kupras sa sáku, Shove the copra tight into the sack.
v. 1. make a hole to sow seeds in. Ang bakilid hasukan kay dílì man madáru, They will make holes for the seeds in the hillside because you cannot plow it. 2. insert something into a hole or sheath. Muhasuk ka gánì sa sundang mu sa sakuban ayawg itipas, Be careful when you sheathe your bolo. Anhà ihasuk ang halígi sa ímung gilúngag, Plant the post in the hole which you dug; 3. drive the stakes or pegs. Hasuki ang mga tanum arun dì matumba, Place stakes near the plants so they will not fall over; n. 1a. dibble stick; 1b. hole dibbled in the ground to sow seeds in. 1c. action of making a hole; 2. peg, stake.
v. pack inside tight by compacting or tamping it down. Ug inyung hasukun (ihasuk) ang kupras maígù ang tanan sa usa ka sáku, If you pack the copra down, it will get into one sack; a. compressed and well-packed inside a container.
v. 1. bother, give trouble, inconvenience. Muhásul ku nímug kadiyut ha? May I bother you for a moment? Gihásul ku pag-áyu niíning sip-un, I am very much bothered by my cold; 2. bother to do, take the trouble of doing something Naghásul ka pa mag dala ug ságing níay daghan, You have taken the trouble of bringing bananas when we have so many! 3. for a child to be fussy. Naghásul ang bátà kay gibutdag tiyan, The child is fussy because he has an upset stomach; a. entailing a lot of annoyance, bother. Hásul kaáyung adtúun, daghang sakaysákay, It’s a lot of trouble to go there because there’s no direct transportation; a. being a lot of trouble, causing inconvenience; n. — sa katursi 1. World War I. 2. causing very much trouble and bother. Hásul sa katursi ning batáa, This child is a terrible nuisance. ka- n. trouble, annoyance. ma-un a. causing lots of trouble and inconvenience. Mahasúlung mga hangyù, Requests that entail a lot of trouble.
v. remove something that sticks, get removed. Maáyu kaáyung muhaswà (mupahaswà) sa buling ang Tayid, Tide removes dirt well. Tungud sa kalatà nahaswà ang pánit, After the meat got done, the skin came off. Haswáa (ihaswà) ning lápuk nga nitaput sa ákung sapátus, Remove the mud that stuck to my shoes.
see asyinda.
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