n. hot dog; v. fix hot dogs, have hot dogs as food.
v. hunt with a dog. Maáyu muhátì nang irúa ug usa, That dog is good for hunting deer.
n. cable
n. communication
n. telegram
a. vain and affected in behavior. Hatsa bayà níyang maglakaw, mu rag mudílu, How affectedly she walks! As if she were a model.
n. see atsa.
n. sumptuous meal (colloquial). Birtdi níya run. Sigúru may hatsit, It’s his birthday today. There is sure to be a good dinner; v. 1. hold a sumptuous meal. Unsay inyung gihatsítan? What did you have your party for? or What did you have for your feast? 2. attend something where a sumptuous meal is served, feast on. Hatsítun na nátù ning litsun, Let’s eat the roast pig now.
(from mutsatsu, the one who is punished in games) n. in a game of takyan, one who serves the takyan. v. be, become the server in a game of takyan.
see hagtub.
v. 1. take something s.w. Hatdan ta kag pagkáun, I will bring you some food. Ihatud ang bisíta sa íla, See the visitors home. — sa panan-aw watch someone while he goes s.w. Ihatud siya sa ímung panan-aw hangtud musulud, Watch him until he gets inside; 2. make something reach a certain distance in time or space. Anus-a kahà ihatud nganhi sa gubyirnu ang karsáda? When will the government ever bring the road here? Gihatud sa kamatáyun ang íyang kauyámut, He never extracted himself from poverty until his death; 2a. lead to some bad results. Kanang ímung pagkagastadúra makapahatud (makahatud) nátù sa kawad-un, Your extravagance can end us up in the poorhouse; 2b. bring an offer down to a certain level, offer odds as great as a certain amount in betting. Ihatud ang ímung paghangyù sa kinaubsang prisyu, Bargain it down to the lowest price; n. 1. action of delivering; 2. something delivered. Gamay ra ang ákung hatud, I have a small supply (to deliver). — sa bargain as low as. — balay windfall. — káwat telegram; v. send a telegram. ig-r-(←) n. something to be delivered. — sa mintiryu skin and bones (ready to be brought to the grave).
v. 1. eat greedily or ravenously. Pwirti giyud tingáli nímung gutúma kay naghatùhatù ka man giyug káun, How famished you must be judging from the way you are eating so ravenously; 2. take more of something than one can use. Ayawg hatùhatuag dala nang mga libru, kay dì man nímu mabása nang tanan, Don’t take all those books because you can’t read all of them.
v. tease unmarried people by pairing them off as if for marriage. Átung hatúlun sila si Pidrug Maríya, Let’s match up Maria and Pedro. Ayaw kug ihátul ánang byúdu, Don’t tease me by pairing that widower off with me!
see sátum.
n. leader, a short length of material used to attach a lure or hook to the end of a fishline; v. attach, make into a leader.
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