n. subject
see agínud.
n. 1. distance of one point to another ahead or above it. May gintang dyis mitrus ang balay sa karsáda, The house is set back ten meters from the road; 2. distance beyond a certain point. Ayaw itúpung sa ngilit. Butangig ginta, Don’t build it flush to the edge. Let it overhang; 3. distance given as an advantage in a race; v. 1. overlap or extend beyond something Taas na ang byábas kay miginta na sa atup, The guava tree is tall because it has grown higher than the roof; 2. give someone an advantage in a race. Gigintáhan siyag lima ka mitrus, He was given a five-meter advantage.
n. 1. see ginta; 2. distance the sun is above the horizon; 3. difference in age. Diyis anyus ang gintang sa magtiáyun, The married couple has a ten-year difference in age; v. 1. see ginta; 2. for the sun to travel a certain distance. Udtu na kay taas nag gigintángan ang adlaw, It’s late because the sun has risen high.
n. deep scallops or serrations on the edge of something v. cut the edge or border of something into deep scallops. Nagginting ang tápay sa manuk, A cock’s comb is serrated. Gigintíngan níya ang sidsid sa íyang sinínà, She made scallops at the lower edge of her dress. gintingginting n. one of a series of V-shaped segments on the outer edge of something, usually for decoration. gunting nga — pinking shears; v. make a V-shaped scallop on the edge of something.
v. move, stir. Ayaw ginuka ang bátà arun dílì magmata, Do not stir the baby so that it won’t wake up.
n. Lord
n. sir
n. monsieur
n. 1. lord, God. Ginúu ku, unsa kahay ákung nalimtan? Oh Lord, what could I have forgotten? 2. term of address for gentleman: Mr., Sir. Ginúu Magsaysay, Mr. Magsaysay; 3. most feared and influential head in a place. Kanang ismaglir mauy ginúu íning baryu, That smuggler is the lord of this barrio. way — Godless. Way ginúu nang tulisána. Dílì malúuy nga mupatay sa íyang gitulísan, That robber doesn’t fear God. He kills his victims without mercy.
n. gift. -rap v. gift-wrap. Giprap-un ba ni? Shall we gift-wrap this?
see ha-. ha- a. 1. narrow in space or passageway. Hagip-ut nga agiánan, A narrow passageway. Hagip-ut ang ámung kwartu, We have a small, narrow room; 2. tight in financial situation, mode of living. Hagip-ut kaáyu mi run. Dílì mi makahátag, We’re in a tight situation now. We can’t contribute. Hagip-ut na kaáyu ang panahun, We have very little time left; 3. for clothes not to be quite enough. Hagip-ut kaáyu ning panaptúna, This cloth is too narrow; v. 1. be, become narrow in space or passageway. Muhagip-ut (mahagip-ut) na ning agiánan ug ímung butangag daghang bangkù, The passageway will become narrow if you put lots of benches in it. 2. for a situation to become difficult, for time to get short.
v. disclose
v. disclosed
n. a piece broken off from a whole; v. break something into pieces. Naggipak kug káhuy nga isugnud, I am breaking off pieces of wood for firewood. Nagkagipak ang búkid sa gidinamíta kini, The mountain gradually got broken up into small chunks as it was dynamited.
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