v. 1. draw, tow. Ang bátà naggúyud ug traktrák, The child is pulling a toy truck. Guyúrun tikaw ug dì ka muuban, I’ll drag you if you don’t come along; 2. invite a partner to dancing. (→) n. 1. rope used in trawling or towing; 2. runners of a sled. guyuran n. sled consisting of a platform without sides mounted on runners. ka- n. boats which are pulled along by another large boat. Púlù ming kagúyud ánang dakung lantsa, There were ten of us in boats towed by the large launch. sa- v. trailing behind. Nagsaguyud ang kápa sa rayna, The queen’s cape is dragging behind. Ayaw isagúyud ang inyung bakyà kay sábà, Don’t drag your wooden slippers because they’re noisy.
n. larva of the mosquitoes.
n. sand bugs up to 2″ in length which burrow into the sand beneath shallow waters. They come in white, brown, and gray colors, and are eaten broiled.
see gwayabanu.
n. gloves with slits for the fingers; v. wear gloves.
n. guano, excrement of cave-dwelling birds and bats used as fertilizer.
a. see gwápu (said of women).
see gwapítu (female).
a. cute and good-looking little lad.
a. 1. handsome, good-looking. Gwápu siya, baklà lang, He is handsome, only he’s a fairy; 2. beautiful, nice to look at (of things in general). Gwápu ang talan-áwun dinhi, The scenery here is beautiful; 3. of good quality. Gwápu ang mga dā́n sa Lusun, Luzon has good roads; v. be beautiful, do something in a beautiful way.
n. 1. guard; 2. guard position in a basketball game; v. guard, keep watch. Ang ámù gigwardyahan ug mga irù, Our house is guarded by dogs. — kusta coast guard. — sibil n. police militiamen during the Spanish times. -du(←) a. well-guarded. Gwardiyádu ang dalága sa amahan, The daughter is well-guarded by her father.
(from gwarni) n. harness; v. harness a horse.
n. harness
v. 1. tie a string or rope around something several times, each time at a right angle to the previous time. Gwarníhi ug maáyu ang paldu arun dílì mawagwag ang manútus, Tie a rope all around the bale so that the hands of tobacco won’t get scattered; 2. lock someone in one’s arms or lock someone’s arms to restrain motion. Gigwarníhan ku siya. Wà siya kalíhuk, I locked his arms and he couldn’t move; n. rope or string tied all around something.
n. 1. petty lie. Nabuku ang íyang gwatsi kay dihay nakakità, He was exposed because there was a witness; 2. mischievous act or story to arouse laughter; a. one who puts up an act, tells stories. Gwatsi batáa pasakitsákit arun atimanun, This child is a faker. He plays sick to get attention; v. resort to trickery to make someone believe something Gwatsíhi siyang mangiskwíla ta arun makagawas ta, Tell him that we’re going to school so we can go out. -nangga see -nanggu (female). -nanggu n. one who tells petty lies. -ra, -ru see gwatsinangga, -u.
n. soursop, a kind of small cultivated tree bearing large, pear-shaped, spiny fruits, very juicy, soft and fibrous, eaten as is: Anona muricata.
see gíra.
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