word used in writing to represent sound of coughing.
n. 1. metal ring; 2. kind of merry-go-round consisting of a wheel mounted on a pole from which metal chains with rings at the end dangle. To operate this contrivance the child holds on to a ring and runs around generating momentum until he can swing around holding on to the ring. Other children can ride by holding rings suspended from the other chains.
n. 1. arguments for or against something; 2. argument, discussion; v. argue with someone about something Nagkaargumintu mi mahitungud sa báyad, We had an argument about the payment. Argumintúhun nátù ni ug dílì ta magkaúyun, We will argue this out if we can’t make each other see eye to eye.
1. here (near speaker but not near person spoken to). Ari ibutang ang lamísa, Put the table over here. Ari na mi, We’re on our way (lit. will be over here) now; 2. let’s go over to the following point. Karun ari ta sa ikaduhang ánib sa libru, Now, let’s turn to the second chapter of the book; v. 1. come over here, bring here. Makaari ka sa Lúnis? Can you come over on Monday? Iari nákù ang bátà kay akuy bantay, Bring the child over here and I’ll watch (him). 2. come to get. Kinsa may mag-ari diri sa libru? Who is going to come here to get the book? Aria diri ang libru, kay dì ku makahatud, Come here to get the book, because I have no time to deliver it. umari ka, marika come here (said by superiors to inferiors). Marika ra gud Pidung, Come here, Pedong. (←) see ari. hi-/ha- v. wind up here. arian v. always come here. ariúnun, alaríun n. things one has to come here to get.
see niíri. see kiri.
v. goodbye
n. a percentage deducted by the operator of a gambling game from the proceeds of the winner. Bayri úsà ang aríba arun makítag pilay limpiyu, Pay the rake-off first so we can determine the net winnings; v. pay the owner his rake-off. Aribáhan úsà nátù ang bulangan únà bahína ang daug, We’ll pay the arena’s percentage first before we divide the winnings. -dur(→) 1. one who rents out gambling devices for a percentage of the winnings; 2. one who gambles with someone’s gambling equipment and pays a percentage to him; v. be, become a gambling device operator.
v. block the way. Kuháa nang nakaaríbang batu, Remove that stone blocking the way. Giaribáhan nákù ang awtu, I blocked the path of the car.
v. hoist, lift. Wà makaaríba pagdúngan ang mga nanaglálung sa balay, The persons who were moving the house didn’t lift it together. Iaríba (aribáha) ang láyag, Hoist the sail.
v. go, put s.w. for refuge or safekeeping. Didtu mi nakaaribáda sa simbahan pagbagyu, We took refuge in the church during the typhoon. Ug dúnay Hapun iaribáda sa lángub ang mga babáyi, Hide the women in the cave when the Japanese soldiers come.
see arigládu, 1.
a. 1. neat, orderly. Arigládu siyang mamisti, She dresses neatly. Arigládu na ang ímung kwartu, Your room is in order now; 2. prepared, ready. Arigládu na ang papílis pára sa ímung byáhi, The papers for your trip are all in order. Arigládu na ang panihápun, Dinner is ready now; 3. in agreement. Arigládu na. Adtu ta ugmà, It’s all arranged. We’ll go tomorrow; 3a. for a quarrel to be settled. Arigládu na ang ílang áway, Their fight is settled now; 3b. surely; it’s all right. Makagáwì ku sa ímung tilipunu? Arigládu, May I use your phone? Surely; v. get neat, in order, reconciled.
v. 1. arrange, put in good order. Tabángi ku pag-ariglǎr sa ákung buhuk, Help me fix my hair. Nakaariglǎr ka na ba sa ákung katri? Have you made my bed yet? 2a. attend to, take care of. Wà ku kapanglaba kay nag-ariglǎr ku sa mga bátà, I wasn’t able to do the washing because I was looking after the children; 2b. take charge of, assume responsibility for. Ariglahun ku ang mga gastus sa ímung pag-iskuyla, I will take charge of your school expenses; 3. settle a case, quarrel. Ariglaha na lang ang inyung áway, Settle your dispute; 4a. beat someone up (lit. put him in order). Ariglahun ta ning limbungan, Let’s beat this cheater up. 4b. do away with someone Giingun nga ariglahun si Bituy sa mga buguy, The thugs said they would liquidate Bitoy; 5. treat an illness with ariglǎr; n. treatment in folk medicine with special water made magic by having had a piece of paper with a magic formula (urasiyun) put into it. The water is either drunk or applied directly over the diseased part, and the person under this treatment is prohibited from uttering curse words. paN- v. groom oneself nicely. Nangariglǎr na siya kay mamisíta man ni Tíba, He is grooming himself carefully because he is going to visit Tiba.
n. settlement, compromise. Maáyu pa ang ariglu nga alang-álang kay sa burúka, A poor compromise is better than a court case; v. settle by arbitration. Ariglúhun mu sa kapitan sa baryu, The barrio captain will arbitrate between you two.
see aritmitik.
n. the one who brings the fighting cocks into the arena when they are ready.
v. enliven, help cheer up. Ang kumidiyanti mauy mag-arimar sa dúlà, The comedian brings a note of comedy to the play. Arimáha (arimáhi) ang subù nímung inahan, Cheer up your mother because she is sad.
see harína.
n. lease on land or something that produces an income. Ang arindu sa ímung yútà mulungtad ug lima ka túig, The lease on your land will last for five years. Mil písus ra ang arindu sa ákung yútà pára lima ka túig, The lease on my land is a thousand pesos for five years; v. lease. Giarindúhan ku ang ílang panágat, I leased their fishing equipment.
n. clatter
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