see anáa (dialectal).
v. burn something with a rapid bright flame and then die down. Ang kaláyu miárab sa kakugnan, The fire burned the cogon grass. (→) a. burning readily. Kining tabakúa barut kay arab, This is a poor kind of tobacco because it burns fast.
v. cut something without hesitating or caring much about the result. Kinsay nag-árab sa ákung karsunisun? Nadáut na, Who did such a sloppy job of cutting my trousers? Now, they are ruined. Giarában (giárab) lang nímu ang ákung buhuk, You cut my hair too short and in a careless way.
n. tall breed of horse with a white coat and slender body.
n. kind of special sticky rice used for the preparation of confections.
see gwayabanu.
n. full-grown male carabao.
v. for leaves to fall off. Mangárag ang dáhun sa arbul ug ting-init, The poinciana loses its leaves in the hot season.
1. possible and fitting. Arang himúung upisína kining baláya, This is a good house to make into an office. Wà kuy arang ikabáyad, I don’t have enough to pay the debt. Dì tà nà arang isulti níya, That is not a fitting thing to say to him. Kinsay arang mugámit niíni? Who has the right to use this? 2. walay, kinsay — no one has, who has more right and power. Kinsay arang sa Diyus? Who is more powerful than God? Walay arang nákù dinhi. Ákù ning tanan, No one has more rights around here than I have. All this belongs to me. 3. followed by exclamation: My, how! Arang paíta! My! How bitter it is! v. fit, be accommodated. Muarang ning pirnúha ánang bangag? Will this bolt get into that hole? Maarang ba tang tanan sa dyíp? Can all of us get into the jeep? kun ma- please. Kun maarang ayaw ug sábà, Please don’t make any noise. (←) see arang, 3. -an a. presentable, all right. Arangan tà siyag hitsúra apan tagabúkid, She looks all right, but she’s a mountain girl. arang-arang, maarang-arang a. a bit better. Arang-arang (maarang-arang) ning ákung sapátus sa imúha, My shoes are a bit better than yours; v. get better. Miarang-arang (naarang-arang) na ang ákung památì, I’m feeling a bit better now. Nagkaarang-arang na ang ílang kahimtang, Their financial situation is improving. ka-an n. being well-off financially.
v. call off a game. Arángun ta ning dáma kay sígi ku nímung limbúngan, We’ll call off this checker game because you keep cheating.
v. speak seriously in order to convince. Arangkáhi si Tasing, básig musugut, Speak seriously to Tasing. She might accept.
v. 1. force something open, by prying something off. Ug way yáwi dì arangkáhun! If there’s no key, then force it open! 2. disassemble a machine. Siyay nag-arangkar sa makina, He was the one who disassembled the engine.
n. 1. church fees; 2. schedule posting church fees.
n. 1. chandelier; 2. teardrop-shaped pieces of crystal that hang on a chandelier; 3. earring with a pendant shaped like a teardrop; 4. kind of hanging fancy hibiscus: Hibiscus schizopetalus; 5. see tahuri (so called because the tahuri is teardrop-shaped).
(from dápal) n. a cactus similar to the prickly pear, but thornless: Nopalea cochinellifera; v. appear in distinct rounded lumps like a cactus. Nag-arapal nga pangánud, Billowing clouds.
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