a. with the back arched; v. bend one’s body backwards. Dì ku makatiad kay musakit ang piang sa bukubuku, I cannot bend backwards because it will hurt the sprain in my back.
v. 1. for chickens to make the sound of being disturbed. Mitiágak ang sunuy kay ímung gisámuk, The rooster squawked because you bothered it. 2. yell, esp. when about to be punished. Mitiágak siya dáyun dihang gihanaan ku siyag latigu, He shrieked when I got set to whip him; n. the action of squawking.
n. James Banogon
v. move one’s mouth slightly in mumbling, chewing, smacking to get the taste. Dúna siyay gihínuk pagkáun kay nagtiamtiam siya, She’s eating something secretly because her mouth is moving. Tiamtiáma úsà ang tubà usà ka mupalit, Taste the coconut toddy first before you buy it.
short for tíaw mu. see tíaw, n2.
n. fun
n. joke
n. kidding
n. kind of goatfish.
n. tease
v. tease, play a joke on. Ayawg túu kay gitiáwan ka lang níya, Don’t believe him. He’s just teasing you; 1a. for supernatural beings to cast a spell on someone Gimínù siya kay gitiáwan sa ingkantu; He couldn’t find his way because a spirit cast a spell on him; n. 1. joke, prank. dílì — no small thing. Dì tíaw nga búhat, No small job. Dì tíaw ang ákung kakurat, I was really frightened; 2. — (ba)y, nga; — mu (ba)y, nga just imagine! Tíaw bay limay íyang kabit, Just imagine, he has five mistresses. Tíaw mu nang diyut mi mabuku, Imagine, we were almost exposed; 2a. — mu ugud nga, y can you beat that, (so-and-so) happened despite everything. Tíaw mu guy nakapasar ug bár, Imagine, he passed the bar despite everything; 2b. — mu kanà I warned you, now see what happened. Tíaw mu nà ug mipatúu ka pa, I told you so. If you had only listened. (→) v. 1. be punished by the soul of a departed relative for engaging in merry-making activities too soon after the person’s death. The victim usually behaves odd but only temporarily; 2. cause to grow gray hairs early. Makatiaw kunu nang magkanta sa abúhan samtang naglung-ag, You will get grey hair before your time if you sing while standing before the stove and cooking. tiawtíaw v. 1. be joking; 2. toy with an opponent in a contest. Gitiawtiáwan lang sa kampiyun ang tsalindyir, The champion just toyed with the challenger. -l-an n. one who is the usual object of ridicule. Ang bungì gibúhat lang tiliáwan sa iskuylahan, The harelip was made the butt of ridicule in school; v. be, become the object of ridicule. -an(→), pala-, ma-un a. fond of making jokes.
(from ayun) v. be married to each other. Gustu giyud sa ílang mga ginikánan nga tiayúnun ang ílang isig ka anak, It was the parents’ wish that their children be married to each other. mag- n. married couple. Way anak ang magtiáyun, The couple is childless. panag- n. marriage, the state of being married. Sa ámung panagtiáyun wà giyud mi magkaáway, During our marriage we never once quarrelled.
v. add a liquid to another liquid, usually to adulterate or dilute. Akuy mitib-ug ug túbìg sa payn-ápul dyús arun madaghan, I added water to the pineapple juice to make it go a long way.
see tibul.
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