v. roll up a tobacco leaf. Tustúsa dáan nang tabákù arun dì ka na magtustus pa sa uma, Roll the tobacco beforehand so you won’t have to roll any in the field; n. rolled tobacco leaf, -in- n. rolled up tobacco leaf; v. smoke rolled tobacco. Magtinustus gihápun siya bisag makapalit nag abánu, He insists on smoking rolled tobacco even though he can afford cigars now.
a. clever in deceiving others. Túsu kaáyu si Baúhay maung nakalingkawas siya gíkang Amúay, Mr. Turtle was very clever so he managed to escape from Mr. Monkey; v. become clever in deceiving. patusutúsu v. pretend. Nagpatusutúsu kung hubug arun agákun ku níya, I acted drunk so she would help me walk.
see turus.
v. for something sharp to pierce and get stuck into something Bildu mauy nakatúsug sa ligid, A glass splinter got stuck into the tire. Natúsug ang íyang kamut sa dágum, He pricked his hand with a needle. (→) n. a sliver stuck into something.
v. 1. pierce something through something else, skewer. Tusúka ang isdang tap-anan, Skewer the fish you are going to broil; 2. make a hole in the earlobe. (→) n. 1. skewer; 2. a hole in the ear for earrings or in animals for the tether rope.
v. suck the juice out of something Tusúpi ang lísu únà iluwà, Suck the juice out of the seed before you spit it out.
see sutuy.
it does not matter, in any event (so-and-so) is the case. Pahagka ku bi. Tutal, kaslúnun na man ta, Let me kiss you. Anyway, we are going to get married. Ákù lang gibilin. Tutal, mubalik pa man ku, I just left it. Anyway, I was going to come back for it. Ngánu bag mag-úlan? Tutal, díay ákung páyung, What if it rains? Anyway, I have my umbrella.
v. 1. add up. Búgù giyug aritmitik ang nagtútal íni, The one who added this up must be slow in arithmetic; 2. sum up advantages and disadvantages, pro’s and con’s, etc. Ug tutálun nátù, ikaw ang alkansi sila ang nak aganansiya, If we analyze it, you are on the losing end and they gain.
n. 1. toothbrush; 2. action of brushing the teeth. Ngípun nga walay tutbras, Teeth which haven’t been brushed; v. brush someone’s teeth for him or false teeth. Tutbrási nang ímung marpil uy, Brush your false teeth! paN- v. brush one’s teeth. Ayawg panutbras kay anúgun ang kìkì, Don’t brush your teeth because it’s a waste of food particles.
see taluthu.
n. glimpse
n. stare
n. appeal
n. objection
n. protest
n. petition
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