see tulpuk. (→) n. 1. hole in the ear for earrings; 2. holes in an animal’s ears through which a rope is passed.
a. 1. of the same height, even along the top or bottom. Túpung ang íyang mga ngípun, Her teeth are all of the same height; 2. reaching an equally high state of excellence. Si Magsaysay walay túpung, No one is as great as Magsaysay; v. 1. reach to a certain height or level. Ang ákung kalágut mitúpung na sa lángit, My anger reaches the heavens; 2. make things even. Tupúnga ang tiil sa silya arun dì magkindangkindang, Even up the chair legs so it won’t wobble back and forth. Dílì na siya hitupngan sa pagkapalikíru, No one is as great a philanderer as he is. 3. be of the same height. Nagtúpung sila, They are of the same height. Tupúngun nátù ang mga tanum, Let’s cut the plants even along the top. — ang tiil v. be dead (humorous). 4. compare height, ability. Dílì ikatúpung ang íyang abilidad, There is nothing that can compare to his ability. see also alinupung.
v. 1. suck on something in the mouth to eat it or get the juice out. Nagtupus kug biksdrap kay árat ákung tunlan, I am sucking on a cough drop because I have a sore throat; 2. toy or play with something with the mouth. Madaníhung ngábil nga íyang gitupsan sa pagháluk níla, The attractive lips he played with as they kissed. tinupsan n. pulp or juiceless flesh after eating. Silhíga ang mga tinupsan human mug pangus ug tubu, Sweep away the pulp after you’re through eating your sugar cane. talinupsan a. for clothes to be moist, almost dry after having been wet. Mabulkas na ang hinalay kay talinupsan na, You can take in the clothes now because they are almost dry; v. be, become almost dry.
v. 1. take over the task of someone incapable or unavailable. Kinsa may mutupus sa ímung trabáhu ug mulakaw ka, Who takes over your chores when you go out? Tupsa ring ákung buhatun kay kahilanatun ku, Take over my work because I feel feverish; 2. make up for the time lost or missed. Buhían mu run kun tupsan ninyu ang klási sa Sabadu, I will dismiss you now if you make the class up on Saturday; 3. make up for something lacking by something very good. Púlus sila burung piru gitupus sa ílang anak nga utukan, They are mostly imbeciles, but their one brainy child made up for it; n. 1. time used for make-up. Ang trabáhu run tupus sa pista upisiyal gahápun, Today’s work is to make up for yesterday’s holiday; 2. something just as much so in exactly the opposite way. Dátù mi niadtu, tupus pud run nga kakha tukà, We used to be just as rich as we are poor now. Pagkagarbúsang bayhána, tupus sa íyang bánang labihan kamapaubsánun, She is just as stuck up as her husband is modest.
v. push something into a place below in one motion. Wà pa hibaw-i kung kinsay mitupwak sa Dun didtu sa pangpang, The person who pushed the Don over the cliff has not been identified yet.
see natural.
v. go directly s.w. without paying attention to the surroundings because of anger, embarrassment or some other emotion. Mipaturátuy (miturátuy) siyag lakaw bísag ámung gitawag, She walked straight ahead even though we called her.
v. scold someone heavily. Mutúray nà siyag kasábà ug dì nímu tumánun ang íyang súgù, She really scolds you if you don’t do what she says.
n. turban or similar headdress; v. wear a turban.
n. third base in a ball game; v. be on third. Wà giyuy nakaturdbis námù, Not one of us got to third base.
n. 1. tower; 2. rook in chess; v. 1. confine in a tower. Gitúri sa hárì ang bigáun níyang anak, The king shut his promiscuous daughter up in a tower; 2. stay high above from a vantage position overlooking the view below. Nagtúri ka man giyud dihà. Maáyu kaáyu ang ímung paglantaw sa byú, nu? You are up high over there. You sure get a good view, don’t you?
see kuslad.
v. have intercourse with (humorous). À, muturíkì ka níya bísag gadaut siya, My! You’d have intercourse with her even if she is menstruating?
n. corral for a herd; v. enclose herd in a corral. Kinahanglang turilun ang mga báka arun way makabuhì, The cows must be fenced in so that none can escape.
n. Torrens Title, a document attesting full legal ownership of a piece of land. titulu — see túrins.
n. jeans, women’s tight-fitting trousers that look like matadors’ trousers; v. make jeans.
n. tourist; v. be, become a tourist.
n. male calf of a cow or carabao.
v. disturb, bother someone Way muturiyal nímu ug wà kay útang, Nobody disturbs you if you don’t owe anybody anything. Way makaturiyal nákù ug akuy matúlug, Nobody dares disturb me when I’m asleep.
n. adolescent or young bull or male water buffalo; v. for a male calf to get to be full grown. Ikadáru na nang nati ug maturíyu, You can use the calf for plowing when it gets to be nearly full-grown.
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