n. year
n. year; v. be almost, last for a year. Mutúig nákung pinaábut nímu, I waited for you for almost a year. Nagtúig ang ámung pagbúngul, It’s been one year now that we haven’t been on speaking terms. Dì na matuígan ang ímung kinabúhì, Your life won’t last for another year. tuigtúig a. every year; yearly; v. be, become yearly, do something on a yearly basis. -in-(→) annual. Tinuig nga tígum, Annual meeting. ka-an n. 1. years. Nanglábay ang daghang katuígan, Many years passed; 2. Easter obligation, the obligation of every Roman Catholic to go to confession and Holy Communion once a year on a definite period specified by the church—that is, in the period between Easter Sunday and November 2, All Souls’ Day. paN-(→) n. 1. first planting season in the calendar year (during June and July); crops planted during this season. Aníhun sa Disyimbri ang humay sa panuig, The first crop of rice is harvested in December; 2. extraordinarily big. Panuig man pud nang librúha, dílì man madaug ug bátà, That sure is a big book. A child couldn’t lift it. paN-un n. age. may — 1. be old enough to do something May panuígun na si Lítang muiskuyla, Lita is old enough now to go to school; 2. be no longer young. May panuígun na siya pagkaminyù, She was well along in years when she got married. paN-un(→) v. be of (such-and-such) an age. Nagpanuigun siyag diyis, He is ten years old.
n. year(s)
v. 1. twist. Siyay nagtuis sa ákung buktun, He twisted my arm; 2. distort a fact or truth. Way mutuu nímu kay maáyu kang mutuis sa tinúud, Nobody believes you because of the way you distort the truth. — sa pálad, kapaláran n. turn of fate. Usa ka tuis sa kapaláran nga ang kanhi banyágà karun nagpakilúuy na, It is a turn of fate that the ruthless scoundrel now has to beg for mercy.
n. 1. word used in writing to indicate a knocking sound; 2. in bowling, a hit scored through the center, opening up a clear path; v. for a hit to turn out to be of this sort.
v. stick a stick into something to serve as a marker; n. 1. marker stuck into something Gibutangan nákug túk ang gilubngan sa bahandì, I stuck a stick to mark the spot where I buried the treasure; 2. clitoris (slang).
see dug-ab.
v. 1. squat or lie with the knees bent up double against the body nearly touching the chin. Nagtuk-ung ang bátang nagdúwag húlin, The child playing marbles is squatting; 2. be s.w. looking as though it were squatting (literary). Ang pitrumaks nagtuk-ung dihà sa bangkíwà, The petromax lantern was located squatting atop of the mast.
v. 1. strangle with the hands. Tuk-un ta kag musinggit ka, I’ll choke you if you scream; 2. choke on something ingested. Makatukà nang tag-as nga bíhun, You can choke on long noodles. Hituk-an ku pag-inum nákù sa wiski, I choked when I drank the whiskey; 2a. get jammed or stuck into something as if choking on it. Papil ang nakatukà (nakapatukà) sa kasilyas, Paper clogged the toilet up. Ug matuk-an ang makina gáhì na tuyúkun, If a sewing machine gets stuck it is hard to turn.
v. peck at to eat. Gustung mutukà ug tibuuk mais ang manuk, Chickens like to peck at whole kernels. Dúna pa bay tukaun ang sunuy? Are there any grains left for the rooster to peck at? n. 1. beak, bill; 2. feed for fowls or birds. kakha — see kakha. pa- v. feed fowls.
v. open by pushing something aside, lifting a cover. Kinsay nagtúkab sa kúlun? Who took the cover off the pot? Tukába ug dakù ang bintánà kay galhà, Open the windows wide because it is warm; n. distance something opens.
v. gasp for breath, pant. Nagtukabtukab ang íyang gininhawaan sa pagdinágan, He panted for breath after running so much.
v. go, bring up to the mountain, or country from town. Mutukad ku karung tingsanggì, I’ll go to the country this coming harvest. Butung ray ákung tukarun, I’m going to the country just to get young coconuts. Itukad ring abúnu, Bring this fertilizer to the country.
n. 1. dresser, a chest of drawers with a large mirror and a flat space for cosmetics; 2. a plain mirror of considerable size; v. look at oneself in a mirror. Tukaduri ra nang nawung mug tan-áwag angayan ka ba, Look at yourself in the mirror and see if you look nice. paN- v. look at oneself in a mirror.
v. 1. place something long in a position vertical or crosswise relative to something else; cause it to be so. Ayúhag butang ang gabas kay mutúkag sa kahun, Lay the saw down carefully crosswise in the toolbox. Nagtukag ang bukug sa íyang tunlan, A bone is lodged cross-ways in his throat. Itúkag (ipatúkag) ang lipak sa takup arun dílì mutak-up, Prop the shutter open with a stick of bamboo; 2. for something slender to be jutting out. Ang mga tiil sa dakung bátà mutukag kun kugúsun, The legs of a big child dangle if he is carried. (→) n. 1. something placed athwart someone 2. sticking out. Tukag siyag dawunggan, He has ears that stick out.
n. gap formed as a result of shrinkage between two juxtaposed materials, esp. wood; v. form a gap. Mitukal (natukal) ang mga sawug paglúbag, Cracks developed between the floor boards when they shrunk. tukaltukal v. hang loosely from a loose attachment. Nagtukaltukal ang bungbung sa báy, One side of the walling of the house is hanging loosely.
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