v. 1. rap, tap lightly. Tiltíli, ayawg paknga ang íhi, Tap it gently. Don’t strike the axle hard; 1a. chip off something small from something hard by tapping on it. Tiltíli ang simintung sapáwag pinising, Roughen the concrete that we will put the finish on. 2. make slightly biting or insulting remarks or allusions. Ug mapikal siya mutiltil pud, He makes slight digs when he’s irked.
v. sink straight to the bottom. Nagkatiltil ang sakayan, The boat was sinking. Nakatiltil na siya pag-itsa sa salbabída, He had already sunk when the lifesaver was thrown to him.
see tíluk.
v. be, become deaf (said in scolding or in a mild curse). Nagsinggit na man gánì ku unyà walà gihápun ka kadungug. Unsa man? Natílub ka? I shouted at you, but you didn’t hear me. What is the matter with you anyway? You deaf? patilubtilub v. pretend to be deaf, ignore. Gipatilubtiluban ku níya sa ákung gikinahanglan, He turned deaf ears to my needs.
v. remove, consume to the last bit. Ang iring mauy nagtíluk sa salin, The cat got all of the leftovers. Tilúkag punit ang mga sagbut, Pick up all of the refuse.
n. 1. curtain on stage; 2. movie screen. abri — in stage presentation, expression meaning ‘curtains up’. búka — the main curtain that covers the whole stage. sira — in stage presentations, expression meaning ‘curtains down’; v. 1. make into a stage curtain; 2. put a stage curtain. Hábul lay átung itilun sa dúlà, We’ll just use blanket as a curtain for the play; 3. hang like a curtain (literary). Nagtilun ang lasangnung kasagbutan, The jungle vines hung like curtains. -iru(←) n. person in charge of opening or closing the curtain.
n. tailor shop; v. run a tailoring shop. May hílig ka sa pagpanahì ug karsúnis. Maáyu pag magtiluring ka, You have an interest in making trousers, so you will do well running a tailoring shop.
n. a spoon made out of a coconut shell; v. make, use a coconut-shell spoon.
n. team
n. team. Usa ka tím sa písi ang nagguwardiya níya, A p.c. team is guarding him; v. form, be a member of a team.
n. theme, a short composition required in school; v. write a theme.
(from tíma) v. for rumors, gossip to die out. Natim-an ang huhungíhung paglutaw sa tinúud, The rumors stopped when the truth came out.
v. appear, show up. Wà mutim-aw (mupatim-aw) ang nubya kay gitában, The bride didn’t show up because someone eloped with her. Wà siya tim-áwa sa íyang dít, Her date didn’t show up to get her.
a. pure, sincere. Ang gugmang tim-us dì mulubad, Pure love doesn’t fade.
be done doing something, for something to be finished. Tíma ka nas ímung humwurk, Are you through with your homework? v. finish something; be through with something Aku nay mitíma sa íyang trabáhu, I finished his work. Matíma na gánì ang trabáhu, When the work is done.
n. a makeshift bit for a horse, made from a length of tether rope, usually in the form of a clove hitch, passed over the lower jaw; v. put such a bit on a horse.
n. theme, subject. Kasína mauy tíma sa sugilánun, Envy is the theme of the story; v. use as a theme.
v. plan, intend to. Nagtíma ming magpiknik ugmà, We plan to have a picnic tomorrow. Mau kini ang gitimáhan níla, This is what they plan to do.
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