n. pope
adj. devout
adj. pious
adj. holy
n. saint
n. gospel
n. 1. title for male saints. Santu Tumas, St. Thomas; 2. in phrases: purdiyus pur- exclamation denoting deep agitation at the gravity of a situation. Purdiyus pursantu, Bidung, ibutang nang pusil! God have mercy, Bedong! Put that gun down! — Intiyíru image of the dead body of Christ carried in a procession on Good Friday. — Kristu a. the crucified Christ. b. a small crucifix. — lána holy oil. — Ninyu a. the Christ Child. b. the image of the Christ Child thought to have been brought by Magellan. b1 the church which houses it. — Pápa The Pope. — Rusaryu the Holy Rosary. — santítu see santa santíta (male) see santíta. istígi — see *istígi. pasantusantu v. put on a pretense of good behavior. Magpasantusantu siya ug náa si Pápa níya, He puts on a pretense of good behavior if his father is around.
n. medium-sized tree cultivated for its deep-yellow fruits, the size and shape of a tennis ball, sour and juicy with a seed in several sections in the center: Sandoricum koetjape.
v. come to one’s mind. Misantup sa íyang buut ang usa ka sayun nga paági, A simple method of doing it came to his mind. Isantup (santúpa) sa ímung hunàhúnà ang mga tambag, Implant the advice firmly in your mind.
n. 1. saint, one like a saint in character. Kanhi mu ra ka ug santus, karun dakù kang salbáhis, You used to be like a saint, but now you’re a brute; 2. the sanctus of the Holy Mass. — Diyus Holy God. — nga Mísa the Holy Mass. — nga Rusaryu Holy Rosary. túdus lus — All Saints’ Day; v. 1. be successful. Dì ka masantus ánang ímung pagiskuyla kay daghan kag absin, You will not be successful in your studies because you are always absent; 2. get a benefit from something Dílì ka masantus ánang ímung hubughúbug, You will not reap any benefits from being drunk all the time; 3. get to the Sanctus of the Holy Mass; 4. make holy. Magsantus ta sa adlaw nga igpapahulay, Let us keep the Sabbath holy.
see unsa nu. see unsa, 4.
v. 1. agree, consent to something Wà musanung si Bin sa ákung hangyù nga muhulam ku sa íyang awtu, Ben did not consent to my request to borrow his car; 2. obey, comply with a request. Buútan ning batáa kay musanung dáyun sa ákung súgù, This child is obedient because he at once obeys my command; 3. verify that someone agrees to do something Kining risibúha nagsanung sa ímung báyad, This receipt acknowledges your payment; n. agreement to do something.
v. be in rapid succession. Misanùsanù ang mga bala sa atumátik, The bullets from the machine gun came in rapid succession. Nagsanùsanù ang mga pangutána sa nag-intirbiyu, The interviewer’s questions came in rapid-fire succession.
(from suud) a. intimate, close in relationship as friends. (→) a. close in physical space. Sanuud ra mu kaáyung pagkalingkud, You are sitting too close to each other.
v. 1. give the appearance of being weighted down under a heavy load. Misanuuy ang sakayan sa kadaghan sa kuhà, The boat is weighted down under the load of a great catch; 2. look enervated, without life. Nagsanuuy ang bána pagkabuntag human sa kasal, The groom looked enervated the morning after the wedding.
n. sandwich; v. 1. make, make into a sandwich; 2. use as sandwich filling; 3. situate someone in between something Nasanwits ku pagkalingkud sa duha ka dalága, I was seated between two ladies.
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