v. plant grains or seeds in a hole. Akuy nagpugas ánang lísu sa kapáyas dihà, I was the one who planted the papaya seeds there. Íyang gipugsan ug munggus ang usa ka parsíla, He planted one lot to mung beans; n. 1. seed that has been planted. Giánud ang mga pugas sa bahà, The seeds were washed away in the flood; 2. the amount of seeds planted to a given area. Pugas ug tulu ka gantang ang ákung baul, I can plant three gantas of grain in my field. pugaspúgas v. do something with the expectation of a return in the future. Kanang íyang paghátag namugaspúgas nà arun hiayunan sa ginikánan, His gift is actually an investment so that her parents would like him. pugsanan n. place to be planted. iga-, ig-r-(←), ig-l-(←) 1. thing to sow; 2. see ting-l-. ting-l-(←) n. sowing season.
n. kind of small grouper, found in shallow waters, with dark spots all over the body.
see pukdaw.
v. be burned to ashes, burn oneself out. Ug mapugdaw ang sugnud, hipúsa ang abu ug paglihíya, When the fuel burns itself out, gather the ashes and make lye out of them.
a. trimmed, cut short. Pugdul ang íkug sa irù, The dog has a stubbed tail. Pugdul ang íyang buhuk, She has short hair. Pugdul ang mga tanum sa kadaplínan, The plants along the sides have been trimmed down; v. trim something down. Ang bagyu mauy nakapugdul (nakapapugdul) sa lubi, The typhoon ripped the tops off the coconut trees.
a. 1. for root crops to have a fine, mealy consistency when cooked; 2. for a woman to be good-looking (slang); v. be tasty with this smooth consistency.
n. egg yolk.
n. yold
a. for something colored to be faded; v. get faded. Mupughaw ang sinínà ug ibulad sa ínit, The dress will fade if it is dried in the sun.
n. blue
a. for a boy to be handsome (slang). Púgi apan dihin gúli, He may be handsome but he’s dirty; v. be, become handsome (slang).
v. be the first to do something to something Akuy mupugig sakay sa ímung kutsi, Let me be the first one to ride in your new car. Akuy mupugì ánang dalagáha, Let me be the one to break that virgin in. -in-an n. first use made of something new. Pinugian ning linung-ága sa átung abut humay ning aníha, This is the first rice we cooked from the rice we harvested this season.
v. having too much powder on the skin. Nawung nagpúgis (gipugísan) sa pulbus, A face with face powder caked on it. (→) a. faded to the point of whiteness; v. become faded to the point of whiteness. Mupugis (mapugis) ang sinínà ug isígig ladlad, The dress will turn white if it’s always put in the sun. pugispugis a. streaks or spots of whitish or grayish substances which form on the skin or may come from external sources; v. for skin to get pugispugis on it. Magpugispugis ang pánit sa sabun ug dílì hugásan ug maáyu, The skin will get streaks of soap if you don’t rinse it off.
v. pick, pinch with the tips of the fingers and the thumb. Gipugnit níya ang bugas nga naúsik, He picked up the rice that had spilled.
n. quail
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