n. one who owns a landed estate; v. be an estate owner. Ug magprupitaryu ka, dakù na pud ang buhis, If you are a landowner, you also have a big tax.
n. 1. well-proportioned. Prupursiyun kaáyu ang ímung láwas, You have a well-proportioned body; 2. mixture, ratio of constituent ingredients. Pilay prupursiyun sa balas ug simintu? What is the ratio of sand to cement? v. become well-proportioned.
n. proposition, proposal. Ang prupusisiyun nga bahínun ang Sibu ángay tun-an, They should study the proposal to divide Cebu.
n. real and personal property.
n. prose.
n. the prosecution in a criminal case. Pruyba nga gipakítà sa prusikusiyun, Evidence offered by the prosecution.
n. religious procession. Bísag unsa kataas sa prusisyun, mupaúlì giyud sa simbahan, No matter how long the procession, it always winds up back at the church,—i.e. no matter how far the husband wanders, he returns home; v. 1. hold a procession; 2. go s.w. in a long line, as if in a procession.
n. prospective customer or candidate. Gilista sa ahinti ang gituúhan níyang pruspik, The agent listed his prospective customers. Gwápa ang íyang pruspik, He is eyeing a beautiful girl; v. 1. prospect for minerals. Nagpruspik silag buláwan, They are prospecting for gold; 2. get as a prospect, make a prospect out of someone Básig makapruspik ta níla sa pagpalit ug insiyúrans, We might get them as prospective customers for insurance.
n. prospectus of a school.
v. prosper. Wà mupruspirar ang ílang láraw, Their plans did not prosper.
see *pursúsu.
n. fruit cake; v. make, have fruit cake.
n. 1. protagonist in a story; 2. opponents in an election; v. 1. be, become a protagonist; 2. be opponents in an election. Nagprutagunista ang duha ka magsúun pagkamayur, The two brothers were opponents in the race for mayor.
n. fruit
n. fruit; v. eat, have fruits.
v. protect. Átung prutihian ang átung katungud, We will protect our rights. prutihídu a. someone or something protected. Ang mga táwu prutihídu sa batakang baláud, The people are protected by the Constitution; v. be protected by. Ang mga ismaglir giprutihidúan sa mga pulitiku, Smugglers are protected by politicians.
n. protection; v. give protection. Prutiksiyuni ang ímung mata sa sulaw sa adlaw, Protect your eyes from the glare of the sun.
n. protein. Tugub sa prutína ang karni sa báka, Beef is rich in protein.
n. fruit bowl; v. use, place something on the fruit tray.
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