n. 1. capital invested in a business or gambling; 2. any source of profit. Láway ray ákung puhúnan kay maáyu kung muulug-úlug, I had no capital other than my gift of gab because I’m good at flattery; v. 1. for an investment to reach a certain amount. Dílì gamay ang nigusyu nga mupuhúnan ug nuybinta mil, A business that has ninety thousand for capital is not small; 2. get a certain amount as capital. Nakapuhúnan na ku pára sa súgal, I was given some money for gambling; 3. put down a certain amount as capital. Pilay ipuhúnan ninyu sa susyu? How much will you invest in the partnership? paN- v. 1. use something as an asset or means to accomplish something Ubang babáyi mamuhúnan sa ílang kagwápa sa panghantuk, Some women use their beauty to land a husband; 2. rest up in anticipation of work or activity. Namuhúnan kug katúlug pára sa pagbilar rung gabíi, I got some extra sleep because I’m going to stay awake all night tonight. mag-r-(→) n. one who capitalizes.
see púu.
n. door
n. a low foresail rigged in front of the mast and ahead of the mainsail; v. put up, make into this kind of sail.
onomatopoetic word for a rapping sound. Bunálan bítaw nákù siya sa ū́, puk, dà tuwad lagi, I struck him on the head, and puk, he fell flat.
v. sit on one’s haunches. Ayawg puk-úngi ang inudúru, Don’t squat on top of the toilet.
v. break something that is attached to something by holding tight to it. Siyay mipuka sa ákung singsing, She broke my ring. Mapuka nang pul-an sa ímung sundang ug ímung ibughà, The handle of your bolo will break if you use it to split firewood; a. broken and thus loose.
n. child’s word for female genitalia.
a. fluffed up, not tamped or packed down; v. be fluffed up, for something in small pieces or powder to be loose and not packed down so that it looks like a large quantity. Diyútay ra apan mu rag daghan kay nagpukakha, It isn’t very much, but it looks like a lot because it is fluffed up.
v. 1. topple something tall and erect. Hángin ang mupúkan ánang kahúya, The wind will uproot that tree; 2. bring to a downfall in a struggle. Mga Amirikanhun ang nakapúkan sa ribulusiyun, The American forces crushed the revolutionary movement. Mapúkan ra ang hiwing pamunúan, The crooked administration will some day be brought down; 3. dishonor. Ang íyang ámu ang mipúkan sa íyang kaputlì, Her own master violated her. ka-an n. downfall, fall from power or loss of honor. Ang kapukánan sa Impiryu sa Rúma, The fall of the Roman Empire. (→) n. trees that have fallen.
n. child’s word for female genitalia.
v. 1. lift up something that covers or hides something, become uncovered. Mipukas (napukas) ang tabun sa pagkáun, The cover of the food was blown open. Gipukas sa maldítu ang sayal sa mutsatsa, The bad boy pulled up the maid’s dress; 2. for a girl’s dress to creep upwards uncovering her legs. Kítà íyang páa kay natúlug nagpukas, You could see her thighs, because her skirt crept up as she slept. hiN- a. allowing the dress to creep up in one’s sleep, exposing the body in the process.
see puklat.
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