n. pedicure; v. get, give a pedicure. -ista n. one who gives a pedicure.
n. feeder road going from remote areas to the main highway; v. build a feeder road.
n. 1. featherweight boxer or jockey; 1a. any lightweight person; 2. the amount a featherweight weighs; v. 1. become a featherweight boxer or jockey; 2. be very much reduced in weight. Nagdiyíta ka nga mipídir wit (napídir wit) na man ka? Are you on a diet that you’ve lost so much weight?
n. 1. labor union; 2. member of a labor union; 2a. stevedore (so called because they were among the earliest workers to have unions); v. 1. be, become a member of a labor organization; 2. be, become a stevedore.
n. pedestal on which a flower pot, vase, lamp, etc. is put; v. make into, use a pedestal.
n. kind of egg noodles of the same material as macaroni but made into various shapes: shells, stars, half-moons, etc; v. cook something with pidíyus.
v. 1. spurt, for liquid to be ejected with force for a short period of time. Inig-abut sa lamì mupidlà ang tús (útin), When you have your orgasm, the sperm spurts out (the penis spurts). Magpidlà gánì ang lungag, dúnay tamalà sa iláwum, If liquid spurts out of the hole, that means there is a small octopus inside. Gipidlà níya ang túbig sa ákung nawung, She spewed the water in my face; 2. treat a sickness by chewing herbs and spitting on the joints of the patient, usually following massage and prayers; n. this medical treatment.
n. twinkle
v. for liquids to come out in a long, thin spurt. Hipidlasutan ku sa túbig, The water spurted on me.
see pidlasut.
a. very near or close. Pidpid ra kaáyu ang ímung paglingkud kanákù, You took a seat too close to me. Ibutang ang katri pidpid sa bungbung, Put the bed against the wall; v. 1. put, stay very close along something Mipidpid ku sa paril arun dì himatikdan, I stayed close to the wall so no one would notice me. 2. travel close along something Namidpid ang sakayan sa baybáyun, The boat sails close to the shore.
n. 1. Peter, man’s name; 2. si — one’s penis (euphemistic slang). Paghúbù níya, mitindug dáyun si Pidru, When she started to undress, my peter stood up.
n. pageboy bob; v. wear a pageboy haircut, cut the hair in the pageboy style.
a. narrow, tight. Pig-it nga sinínà, A tight dress; v. 1. become tight-fitting, be narrow. Napig-it ang ákung sinínà kay mikúlù, My dress became tight because it shrunk. Ug pig-itun ang kalsáda dílì makaági ang trák, If the road is made too narrow, the bus won’t be able to use it. 2. press something tightly in one’s hand or embrace. Ang mga kandidátu kusug mupig-it ug kamut, The candidates are shaking hands for all they are worth. Ayaw pig-íta ang bátà pagkúgus, Don’t hold the baby too close; 3. pressure someone into doing something Pig-íta arun musugut, Exert pressure on her so that she will accept you; 4. subject someone to strong disciplinary constraint. Kinahanglan pig-ítan ang anak nga dalága, It is necessary to keep tight reins on one’s daughter. -in-ay v. press, shake each other’s hands. Nagpinig-ítay sa kamut ang mga bisíta, The guests were shaking each other’s hands.
n. grip
see pigit, a1, 2.
(from piut) a. 1. narrow, not affording enough space; 2. hard up financially. Pig-ut ang ámung kahimtang, We are in a tight financial situation now; 3. ugly; v. 1. become small, narrow in space. Napig-ut ang kwartu sa mga butang, The room was crowded with so many things inside it. Nagkapig-ut ang dálan ngadtu sa búkid, The trail into the mountain gets narrower and narrower; 2. get financially hard up. 3. become ugly; 4. subject someone under one’s care to tight restrictions. Dì ku mupig-ut ninyu basta magtárung mu, I won’t be too strict with you as long as you behave; 5. pressure someone into something Dílì siya mubáyad ug dílì pig-útun (pig-útan), She won’t pay if you don’t press her.
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