(from pangug) a. silly, stupid; lacking good judgment or common sense. Ayaw na lang pagsalig nga matúman ang tanan mung súgù, limpangug kaáyu nang tawhána, Don’t expect that man to carry out your instructions properly, he is so stupid.
v. clean a mechanism. Kamau kang mulimpísa ug karburadur sa awtu? Do you know how to clean the carburator of a car? Limpisáhi ang pitrumaks arun musíga, Clean the pressure lantern so it will light; n. cleaning of mechanical equipment.
v. polish shoes. Nagkabítun ang ákung kamut kay naglimpiya ku sa ákung sapátus, My hands have shoe polish on them because I was polishing my shoes; n. 1. shoeshining as a business. Kusug ang limpiya gikang mag-uwan, After it rains we get plenty of business shining shoes; 2. materials for shining shoes. way — badly needing a shine. Way limpiya ang ímung sapátus, Your shoes need a shine. paN- v. polish shoes for a living; n. occupation of shining shoes. — bútas n. bootblack. mag-l-, maN-l- n. bootblack.
a. for a woman to be neat and clean in her ways. Hinlù ílang báy kay ang inahan limpiyáda, Their house is clean because the mother is a demon for cleanliness; v. be habitually neat and clean.
adj. clean
a. 1. clean, devoid of dirt, sanitary. Limpiyu kaáyu ang salug run, The floor is very clean today. Limpiyu ang ristawran nga ámung gikan-an, The restaurant we ate in is sanitary; 1a. clean, without VD. 2. clear, unsullied. Limpiyu ku ug kunsinsiya kay wà kuy salà, I have a clear conscience because I am not guilty; n. 1. action of cleaning. Kahúgaw, way limpiyu, How dirty it is! No one cleaned it! 2. clean clothes. Wà kuy limpiyu isimba, I have no clean clothes to wear to church; 3. amount gained clear; v. 1. clean, rid something of dirt, become clean. Hugáwan siyang mulimpiyu sa kasilyas, He thinks cleaning the toilet is dirty. Malimpiyu ra nang kasilyas ug nía ku, The only time that toilet is clean is when I’m around to watch you. Limpiyúhun nátù ang átung trabáhu arun dílì ta maúlaw, Let us do a clean job of our work so we won’t be put to embarrassment. Limpiyúhi ang kusína, Clean the kitchen; 2. make a net gain or income. Nakalimpiyu kug kinsi sa ákung pamaráda karun, I netted fifteen pesos in my driving today. ig-l- n. thing used in cleaning. mag-l- n. one who cleans.
n. magical practices used to help a baby go through his various stages of development easily and successfully or to cure a grown person of a bad characteristic or to get rid of something undesirable that is s.w. These practices may consist of having the baby or the afflicted adult perform an action analogous to the actions one wishes to develop or stop or may consist of special foods or potions together with magic words. Ang limu sa bátang magngipun, ang lagus pahírag tái, The ritual for a child that is teething: feces are rubbed on his gums; v. treat with limu. Limuha ug sagu ang palaínum nímung bána, Mix a dead man’s saliva into your husband’s drink to stop his vice.
v. hide, keep something a secret. Naglimù ba ku nímu sa ákung makítà? Do I hide my earnings from you? Sa prubinsiya dì ka makalimù bisan gamayng sikrítu, In the country you cannot keep the tiniest secret. Ayaw ilimù sa ímung ginikánan ang ímung prublíma, Do not keep your problems from your parents.
v. deny, conceal something upon being confronted. Mulimud ka pa giyud nga kláru man ang pruyba! You still dare to conceal it when the evidence is so clear! Ayaw ug ilimud ang ímung pag-anhi, Don’t deny that you came here. malimdánun a. given to denying or concealing the truth when confronted.
n. gargle
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