v. 1. turn, change directions. Mulikù ka sa wala padúlung sa pantalan, Turn left towards the wharf. Ilíkù ang dyíp dihang iskináha, Turn the jeep at the corner; 2. bend, be wound around. Nakalikù siya sa bakus sa líug sa irù, She managed to get the belt around the dog’s neck. Kining karsadáha naglikù sa bungtud, This road encircles the hill. (←) v. for a way to be, become round about. Mulíkù ang átung pagkaági ug manúbay ta sa karsáda, Our way will be round about if we follow the road; a. round about way. (→) n. a bent pipe for channelling gas in a lantern. likùlíkù a. 1. zigzagging; 2. not direct to the point, beating around the bush; v. 1. be, become zigzagging. Mupahínay ka ug mulikùlíkù ang karsáda, Slow down if the road starts to zigzag; 2. beat around the bush. Sultíhi ku sa inyung túyù. Ay na lag ilikùlíkù (likùlikúa), Tell me what it is you want. Don’t hem and haw; n. action of beating around the bush. Sa way daghang likùlíkù mipadayag siya sa íyang túyù, Without beating around the bush, he disclosed his intentions. likùlikuan a. one who is inconsistent in what he says, unreliable. Dílì kasalígan ang táwung likùlikuan, A person who doesn’t say the same thing twice can’t be trusted; v. become inconsistent and unreliable. -an(→), -anan n. 1. curve, bend of a road. Náa ang íla sa may likúan, Their place is near where the bend is. 2. place one turns off.
v. place or put something in the middle or across a path to prevent or obstruct passage. Akuy mulikub ug batu áning agianána, bir ug kinsay muyawyaw, I will put a rock in the middle of this pathway. Let’s see who dares complain. Ang kanal nalikban ug sagbut, The ditch was blocked with trash; n. anything in the way to obstruct passage.
1. behind, at the back of. Ang ámung balay náa sa likud sa simbahan, Our house is behind the church. Didtu siya maglingkud sa likud sa trák, He sat in the back of the bus; 1a. one’s back. Palíhug kalúta ang ákung likud, Please scratch my back; 2. coming after. Likud sa íyang mga pag-antus miabut ang kalampúsan, On the heels of his sufferings came success; 3. coexistent with but not readily apparent. Likud sa íyang pahiyum nag-umidu ang kayugut, There is a seething rancor behind her smile. Didtuy mistiryu nga nahitágù sa likud sa kangitngit, There was something mysterious hidden in the midst of the darkness; v. betray, turn one over to his enemies. Gilikud si Taruk sa íyang sákup ngadtu sa Písi, Taruc’s men betrayed him to the P.C. likuran n. place in back of something likudlíkud n. eve before a wedding. Mikalit lang siyag kahánaw sa likudlíkud sa íyang kasal, He suddenly disappeared on the eve of his wedding.
v. for something long and thin to get crooked or curled. Gilikug níla ang alambri sa punúan sa káhuy, They tied the wire around the trunk of the tree; a. crooked, not straight. Dì na magámit ang rúlir, kay likug na, We can’t use the ruler because it is bent.
see likùlikuan. see likù.
v. make into a circle, coil. Likúngun (ilíkung) ku ning alambri, I will coil up the wire into a circular loop; n. something fashioned into a coil, loop. Dúnay líkung nga gipátung níya sa íyang úlu silbing hapin sa íyang lukdúun, She has a piece of cloth rolled into a coil which she placed on her head to cushion what she is going to carry. Kuháang likung kay maghulahup ku, Get me a hoop. I’m going to play hulahoop.
v. surround, enclose. Ang mga kaáway milíkup sa ílang kampu, The enemies surrounded their camp. Daghang mistiryu ang naglikup niíning hitabúa, The event is shrouded in mystery. Likpa (likupa, palikpi) ug kural ang balay, Build a fence around the house. (→) n. distance or measurement around something ka-an, pa- n. surroundings, environs.
n. a climbing vine with whitish-yellow flowers and round, smooth leaves, belonging to the family Dischidia.
v. be coiled around something Sawa nga nagalíkus sa sanga, A snake coiled around the branch. Milíkus sa payag ang mga sundálu, The soldiers surrounded the hut. Dúnay paril nga naglíkus sa simbahan, There is a stone wall that is surrounding the church. Ílang giliksan sa púkut ang dakung duut sa isdà, They encircled the big school of fish with the net; n. measurement around something, perimeter. (→), likuslikus n. kind of itchy skin infection where eruptions of watery pustules appear in splotches around the body and later burst.
a. slit-eyed. Likut siya kay kalíwat ug Insik, He has narrow eyes. He is of Chinese extraction; v. be, become slit-eyed.
a. going in a curve. Líkuy ang dágan sa búla kay walà man manibil ang mísa, The ball is rolling crooked because the billiard table is not level; v. for a ball to curve or swerve. Lisud saw-un ang búla nga naglikuy, It is hard to catch a curve ball.
v. buy stock with the proceeds of a day’s sale. Ígù rang ilikwa ang halin karung adláwa, Today’s sales are just enough to buy new stock. likwalikwa n. the system of small-time buying and selling in which the entire capital is tied up in a single day’s sales and the proceeds go for buying new goods; v. operate a business on this method.
v. cleverly deny something or conceal a truth when accused. Dì ka makalikwad kay nasáyud na ku, Don’t try to be clever and hide anything because I already know. Ayawg ilikwad nákù ang hustung kítà, Don’t try to conceal exactly what the proceeds are; a. cleverly denying or concealing something when accused. likwadlikwad v. investigate, cross-examine thoroughly, turning questions inside out. Ug likwadlikwárun (ilikwadlikwad) ang mga pangutána, tingálig maluba ang giakusar, If the questions are turned inside out in the course of the cross-examination, the accused will probably give in.
n. kind of ornamental palm with wide, round, accordion-like leaves and long, slender stalks lined with thorns at the sides: Licuala spp.
v. tilt or turn something heavy over. Likwángun (ilikwang) ku ang batu ug náa bay kinhasun sa iláwum, I’ll turn the stone over to see whether there are any shells under it. Ilikwang (likwánga) ang baril arun mayabu ang súd, Turn the barrel over to pour the water out.
v. curl up at the edges. Milikyad ang playwud nga giparka sa sakayan, The plywood they used to wall the boat curled at the edges. Milikyad ang papil nga gipapilit sa bungbung kay natangtang ang ngilit, The paper that had been pasted to the walls curled up because the edges got loose.
a. violet; v. color something violet.
n. kind of herring.
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