n. amount paid for the labor on a piece of work. Mugastu ka sa mga matiryális lang. Walay lábut sa líbur, Your only costs will be the materials. The labor is free. — dí n. Labor Day. — yunyun n. labor union.
v. have rashes or hives. Milibúrus ang ákung buktun sa pinaakan sa mga namuk, My arms are covered with rash from the mosquito bites. Til-as ang nakalibúrus (nakapalibúrus) sa ákung nawung, The hairs of the caterpillar caused my face to break out.
v. 1. go, bring, put something around a place. Mulíbut siya sa punúan sa káhuy, He’ll go around the tree. Siyay milíbut ug batu sa mga tanum, She put stones around each plant. Libúta ang pusti makalima, dì ka ba malílung, Go around the post five times. See if you don’t get dizzy. Ákù siyang ilíbut sa syudad, I’ll take her around the city; 2. surround. Dì makalíbut ning tirása sa líab, This lace isn’t enough to go all around the neckline. Gilibútan ang mga sundáwu sa mga kaáway, The soldiers were surrounded by the enemies; n. action of going around. — sa around. Mudágan ku líbut sa plása, I’ll run around the plaza. pa- n. surroundings. Limpiyu kaáyu ang inyung palíbut, Your surroundings are very clean. ka-an n. 1. the world, the earth; 1a. láing ka-an the next world; 2. sexual activity (euphemism). Ayaw mu pagpalábi sa kalibútan, Don’t indulge in sexual activity too much. ka-ánun worldly. Kalibutánung mga kalípay, Worldly pleasures.
v. besiege
v. encircle
n. small bulge, swelling; v. swell, bulge. Mulibutug ang pinaakan sa lamuk ug kalútun, Mosquito bites swell if you scratch them.
n. kind of edible clam which buries itself into the mud of mangrove swamps. It has a thin, greyish shell, growing to 3″.
n. 1. handle of a plow; 2. penis (humorous euphemism); v. put, use as a plough.
v. 1. put a new roof on a house. Íyang gilibwásan ang tanang atup nga dáan, He replaced all the old roofing; 1a. replace anything. Maáyung malibwásan mu ang ímung kinaíya, You had better change your ways; 2. for one’s savings to be used up (lit. get to the stage that it must be replenished). Nalibwas ang tanan kung tinagúan karung Paskúha, Christmas ate up all of our savings. -únun a. needing a change of roof; 3. for one generation to replace another. Maglibwas ang táwu sa kalibútan, A new generation will replace the old generation of people in the world. libwaslibwas v. do something several times. Walà pa giyud ka mabusug nga naglibwaslibwas man kag káun? Haven’t you gotten your fill? You have eaten several times.
n. 1. lead guitar; 2. music performed by the lead guitar; v. play the lead guitar in a combo performance. — gitar see líd, n1.
n. lead-projectile of a bullet.
n. chief
n. leader
v. 1. grate. Lidgíra ang kamúti, Grate the sweet potatoes; 2. make the delicacy called lidgid; n. sweet made of a mixture of finely grated cassava or sweet potato mixed with grated young coconut and sugar which is rolled, wrapped in banana leaves, and boiled. ni-, -in- see lidgid. lidgiran, lidgíran, lidgiránan n. grater.
n. kind of ladybug commonly found on squash plants.
n. 1. ward-leader or other person who can command a block of votes; 2. leader of a group; v. be, become a political leader. -atu(←) n. political leadership. Kusgánun ang lidirátu ni Duránu sa Sugbu, Durano has strong political influence in Cebu.
n. a go-between or one who is the bearer of communications between lovers; v. make someone a go-between between lovers.
see lídir.
see lidgid.
adj. hardy
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