n. pound
n. pound, a unit of weight. Napúlù ka libra, Ten pounds. -s see libra (plural). Diyis libras, Ten pounds.
n. the Libra in the horoscope.
adj. free
humorous expression uttered upon hearing someone clearing his throat: ‘spit it out’.
a. 1. free, not restricted. Libri na ang binilanggù, The prisoner is free. Way pugsanay, libri sa gustu ang táwu, There’s no forcing. Each man is free to do as he wishes; 2. without cost or payment. Libri ang íyang káun, libri siya sa káun, He gets his meals free; 3. having clearance for passage. Inig-ági sa trák sa gawang, tan-áwa ug libri ba ang kílid, When the truck passes through the gate, see if both sides have clearance; 4. safe from destruction. Libri na ang giupirahan, The patient who was operated on is safe; v. 1. give someone free use of something by paying for him or not obliging him to pay. Íya kung libríhun sa pasáhi, She is going to pay for my fare. Nalíbri ku sa plíti, I got to ride free; 2. save from something bad. Ang balanghuy makalibri sa gútum, Cassava can save you from starvation. — kumída, pasáhi n. free meal(s), free passage. Libri pasáhi ka sa barku kay díay rikumindasiyun iadtu sa kapitan, You get free passage on the boat because I have a recommendation for you to give to the captain. librilibri n. a kind of kick-the-can game; v. play kick-the-can. librihay, librihánay v. do something, each man for himself. Maglibrihay (maglibrihánay) tag plíti, Let’s each pay his own fare.
n. library.
see librítu, 2.
n. 1. a small book containing magical prayers (urasiyun) which comes into a person’s possession through the agency of a supernatural force. The uttering of the prayers by the owner of the book is thought to have special healing or protective powers; 2. any small booklet. — sa bangku n. bank-*book. — sa tíkit n. book of tickets.
n. book
n. 1. book; 2. subject one is enrolled in. Tulu na lang ka libru ang íyang kúlang pára nga makagraduwar siya, He lacks three courses to graduate; 3. accounts. tinidur di- bookkeeper; v. bind into books. librulibru see mandunggu.
n. carry a number in addition. Singku imas utsu, trísi, líbu únu, Five and eight is thirteen, carry your one; v. carry a number. Ug pilay ímung ilíbu isulat sa ibabaw sa numiru nga nagsunud, Write the number you carry above the next column.
n. one thousand; v. 1. be a thousand. Mulíbu na run ang sáka sa lubi, The coconut trees now yield one thousand nuts; 2. do by the thousand. Libúhun (ilíbu) ni nákù pag-ihap, I’ll count these by the thousands. libulíbu thousands and thousands. -in-(→), ni-(→) n. by the thousand. Linibu ang ílang gastu matag búlan, They spend by the thousands every month; v. do by the thousands. kalibúan n. thousands. Kalibúan ang íyang gitabángan, He has helped thousands of people. libúhay n. 1. about a thousand. Libúhay ra ang íyang nagastu, He spent about a thousand; 2. thousands of. Libúhay ka mga túig, Thousands of years.
v. 1. go around a place. Libúra úsà ang abúhan únà ka mulíbud sa kalibútan, Don’t tell me you’re going around the world. You haven’t even gone in back of your stove! 2. go, bring around to several places. Ang bangkadur mauy mulíbud sa baráha, The dealer will distribute the cards. Libúrun ku ang mga saup arun patambúngun sa míting, I will go around to all the tenants to have them attend the meeting. Mani ang ákung ilíbud ugmà, I’ll go around selling peanuts tomorrow; 3. get to be round about; a. round about. Líbud na kaáyu ug muhapit pa mi sa inyu, It will be a very long way out of the way if we go by your place first; n. 1. church procession; 2. round in games. (→) see líbud, a. (→)suruy n. tramp, one who wanders from place to place with no particular course or destination; v. become a roamer. Maglibud suruy na lang ku ug wà na kuy trabáhu, I’ll just become a tramp when I have no more work. libudlíbud v. roam around aimlessly.
v. 1. confuse, be confused. Naglíbug kug diin nákù ikabutang ang kwintas, I’m at a loss to figure out where I could have put my necklace. Ay kug tudlúi. Naglíbug ka lang nákù, Don’t try to teach me. You are just confusing me. 2. cause someone to go crazy through supernatural means or from natural causes. Ang mga kalakíhan makamaung mulíbug (mupalíbug) sa úlu sa táwu, People who possess supernatural powers can make people insane; 3. make the rounds, attending to each and every member of a group or assemblage. Akuy naglíbug ug kík sa mga bisíta, I was the one who passed the cake around to the visitors. Libúga (libga) pagpangutána ang tanang mitambung sa míting, Ask each and every one who attended the meeting; a. perplexing. Líbug kaáyu ning prublimáha, This is a perplexing problem. (→) n. 1. fuss or ado about something Way daghang libug mikúut siyag kwarta unyà gibayran ang manunúkut, Without much ado he took the money out of his pocket and paid the bill collector; 2. be of mixed blood. Libug kining batáa. Ang amahan Pilipínu ug ang ínahan Amirkána, This child is of mixed blood. The father is a Filipino and the mother an American. -an(→), libgánun a. prone to get confused. Libugan (libgánun) kaáyu siya kay húmuk ra mawálà bisan sa kinasayunang iksplikasiyun, She easily gets confused because she gets lost with the easiest of explanations. -ay(→) n. kind of work bee wherein the members work for each other in turn and each member repays the people who worked for him with an equivalent amount of work; v. hold this sort of work bee. ka- n. confusion. ka-an, ka-an(→) n. a crossbreed or person of mixed blood. Ang anay pulantsína ug ang butakal dyirsi. Ang mga baktin kalibugan na, The sow is a Poland China variety and the boar a Jersey. The offspring are a crossbreed; v. become a crossbreed. maka-r- a. causing confusion.
n. thicket; v. 1. become a thicket. Mulibun (malibun) pagbálik ang kaíngin nga byáan, The abandoned clearing will revert to a thicket; 2. reforest with small trees or shrubbery. Byatilis mauy maáyung ilíbun sa mga yútà nga dagul, Ipil-ipil is suitable for reforesting infertile lands. ka-an(→) see líbun, n, v1.
n. tick; v. get infested with ticks.
a. solid, not hollow. Líbun ang ligid sa íyang bisiklíta, His bicycle has solid rubber wheels; v. 1. be solid; 2. for a boil not to come to a head. Nalíbun ning hubága maung nagngutngut, This boil hasn’t come to a head; that’s why it aches; 3. in a game of sungkà: to take all of one’s partner’s stones without giving the opponent a chance to take his turn. Sayun ang maglíbun ug tuluy sunug, It is easy to get all of your opponent’s stones when he has three empty holes.
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