v. 1. leave a place to avoid something unpleasant. Miláyas siya sa dagmalan níyang inaína, She escaped from her cruel stepmother. Gilayásan siyag suluguun, Her servant walked out on her; 2. get out of a place for any reason. Láyas, animal, Leave this home, you beast. (→) n. escapee. Siya layas sa Bilíbid, He is an escapee from Bilibid prison.
n. large, edible tree fungus, shiny, dark-brown in color.
v. jump to a place: up, down, or over. Milayat ang kabáyù sa kural, The horse jumped over the fence. Layata lang nang bintánà nga mubù, Just jump down from that low window; n. act of jumping.
v. for animals to roam about. Muláyaw ang mga háyup nga buhían, Domestic animals stray if you don’t tether them. (→) n. 1. animal that has been allowed to stray. Kinahanglang lamíngun ang manuk layaw kay langsag unud, You have to keep stray chickens and feed them special food before you kill them; otherwise they have a terrible flavor; 1a. going out when one should not be doing so, person that has been allowed to stray. Madisgrasya giyud ang babáying layaw, A woman that gallivants about is likely to get into trouble; 1b. off the mark, far from correct. Layaw kaáyu ang ímung pangagpas, Your conjecture is way off the mark; 2. for a mixture to be too weak in consistency. Layaw nga pintal, Paint that’s too thin; 3. in phrases: — ug dugù cowardly, lacking guts. — ug hunàhúnà given to sudden whims or fancies. Way pundu ang táwung layaw ug hunàhúnà, A person who is given to sudden whims or fancies is unstable. — ug útuk a dull person. Ang táwung layaw ug útuk gáhing makasabut, A dull person does not understand easily; v. become a wanderer, one who gallivants around. -an n. open land where animals are allowed to roam and graze. pina- a. spoiled, left alone by parents to do as he pleases. Way trabáhung makat-unan ang bátang pinalayaw, A spoiled child that has been left to do as he pleases will not learn a trade.
n. library. -yan n. librarian; v. be a librarian.
adj. lingering
v. 1. make someone bedridden. Sakit nga milaygay kaníya, The sickness that incapacitated him. Gilaygay siyag tísis, He was bedridden with T.B. 2. be affected with great financial difficulty. Mga kabus nga gilaygay sa kalisud, Poor people who are wallowing in difficulty; a. incapacitating, leaving one bedridden. Laygay sakíta nang paralisis, Paralysis leaves one bedridden.
see *lahay.
n. tool for cutting abaca fibers or buri strips, made of a thin, flat piece of bagákay bamboo, 3″–4″ long.
n. old, outmoded laws or customs. Sunud ka man ánang layi diantigwa. Kabag-úhan na run! You’re following old, out-moded ways. We’re in the Twentieth Century now!
v. have a liking or crush for something or someone (slang). Nakasabut giyud ku nga nakaláyik nà si Idyun nímu, I realize that Edion has taken a liking to you.
n. layman, laity. Ang buluhatun sa layiku sa iglisya, The role of the laity in the church.
n. life imprisonment. Gisintinsyahan siyag láyip, He got life imprisonment.
n. lightweight boxer or wrestler.
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