List of Cebuano words starting with the letter K - Page 241



n. conservatory, a school for teaching music.



see kunsiyirtu.

n. concession, right given to exploit natural resources, usually forest or sea resources. May kunsisiyun sila sa kalasangan sa Mulábi, They have a concession in the forest of Molave; v. get a certain concession. Singkuwinta ka iktarya ang íyang gikunsisyun álang sa íyang pastu, He obtained a concession of fifty hectares for his ranch. -aryu n. concessionaire.



n. concert; v. hold a concert. Nagkunsirtu na sad dinhi kay kastígu hiniral, We’re having a concert (of crying) again because everybody got punished. Púru mga klasika mauy ílang ikunsiyirtu, They will present a concert of purely classical music.



n. Philippine Constabulary.



n. member of the Philippine Constabulary.



n. constitution. -al(→) n. 1. pertaining to the constitution. Kwistiyun kunstitusiyunal, A question of Constitutional legality; 2. in accordance with the constitution. Dílì kunstitusyunal kanang balaúra, That law is unconstitutional. -al kumbinsiyun n. Constitutional Convention.



see kumbinsiyun.



n. 1. construction site; 2. building viewed as the work of a certain person. Kanang mga bildínga kunstruksiyun ni Inhinyíru Lim, Those buildings were constructed by Engineer Lim; 3. way something is constructed. Usa nà ka mátang sa kunstruksiyun nga mulungtad sa katuígan, That kind of construction will last for years.



n. consul; v. be a consul. kunsuládu n. consulate.



n. town of Consolacion. — guwà n. humorous name given to the town of Consolacion. — súd leprosarium situated at Consolacion.

n. consolation prize; v. win, give a consolation prize.



v. consult, see someone for consultation. Kunsultáha (kunsultáhi) sila ug muúyun ba, Consult them to see if they are amenable. Ikunsulta ug ispisyalista ang ímung mata, Consult a specialist for your eyes; n. consultation. -siyun n. consultation.



n. intense grief that wastes away the body. Ikay ákung kunsumisiyun, bataána ka, You’ll be the death of me. Kunsumisiyun ang gikamatyan sa asáwang gibiyáan, The wife wasted away and died of grief after she was abandoned; v. 1. be afflicted with grief that wastes away the body. Gikunsumisiyun (nagkunsumisiyun) ang inahan sa kamaldítu sa anak, The mother wasted in grief because of her wayward son; 2. worry very much over a trifle. Ngánung magkunsumisiyun ka man ánang druwínga ug dì giyud mahímù? Why do you have to worry yourself to death over that drawing if you can’t do it?



see kunsúmu.



n. 1. consumption. Dakug kunsúmu ning awtúha, This car uses a lot of gas. Mínus karun kitag kunsúmu sa túbig, We use less water now; 2. provisions, food supplies. Kun muadtu mu sa isla, pagdala ug kunsúmu kay way pagkáun didtu, If you go to the island, bring provisions because there is no food there; v. consume. Mukunsúmu mig tagsa ka bákid bugas bulanbúlan, We consume a cavan of rice each month.



n. consort of a reigning beauty queen or muse; v. become, be the consort.



n. 1. something that makes something unpleasant easier to bear. Bug-at ning trabahúa apan kunsuylu sab ning magswildu tag sayu, The work is hard, but one thing that makes it easier to bear is that we are paid early; 2. improvement, a happy sign in something that had been distressing. Sukad siya madapati sa tambal, may kunsuylu na ang íyang pangláwas, Since she has been taking that medicine, there has been an improvement in her health; 3. situation that provokes enjoyment, fun. Wà tay kunsuylu áning tindahánang magpalit kay púlus magmug-ut ang mga tindíra, We get no pleasure in buying in that store because the salesgirls are all unfriendly; 4. advantageous. Kunsuylu ning may awtu kay dílì lisud sa pagpaúlì, It is an advantage to have a car because it is no problem to get home; v. 1. give consolation, make something easier to bear. Bísag sulat makakunsuylu na kaáyu sa kamíngaw ku kanímu, A letter from you would be enough to console me in my loneliness for you. Pabakasyuna siya pára ikunsuylu sa íyang kapakyásan sa burd, Give him a vacation to give him solace and comfort after his frustration in the board exams; 2. for a situation to provoke excitement, delight. Mukunsuylu ang dúwà ug payitpáyit ang tím, A game gets more fun if the teams are equally good. pa- v. give consolation; n. something which can give consolation.



n. 1. meter. Ngánu gung dus písus nga písus ra man ang náa sa kuntadur? Why two pesos, when the meter reads only one peso? — sa túbig water meter; 2. scorer, scorekeeper; v. have a meter.




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