List of Cebuano words starting with the letter K - Page 242






n. contact, connection in an organization or high places. Basta nigusyanti daghang kuntak, A businessman has to have lots of contacts; v. contact, get in touch with. Kun makigkuntak ka níya, tawga lang sa tilipunu, If you want to get in contact with her, just call her on the telephone. Inig-abut sa mayur, kuntáka dáyun ku, As soon as the mayor arrives, contact me immediately.



v. 1. keep score, count a score. Tulu ka táwu ang mukuntǎr (magkuntǎr) sa buksing: ang ripiri ug ang duha ka huwis, In a boxing three persons keep the score: the referee and the two judges. Dílì tu níya kuntarun (ikuntǎr) kay páwul man, He won’t count that shot because they had called a foul. Ikuntǎr (kuntara) sa papil ang matag puntus níla, Mark a score for each point they make on a piece of paper; 2. shout out the score. Ikuntǎr (kuntara) ang matag puntus, Shout out the score every time someone makes a point.



n. contagious ward in a hospital.



n. contemporary, one living in the same era as another or being in a certain association at the same time. Kuntimpuraryu si Aginaldu ni Risal, Aguinaldo was a contemporary of Rizal. Kuntimpuraryu ku siya sa hayiskul, We were in high school at about the same time; v. be contemporaries.



n. contender for a title in fight; v. be a contender.



n. continent.



a. satisfied, contented. Dì ku kuntintu sa ákung swildu, I’m not satisfied with my salary; v. be, become satisfied. Wà ku makuntintu adtung kaúna, I wasn’t satisfied with that meal. kakuntintuhun n. state of reaching contentment. Dúnay mga babáyi nga way kakuntintuhun, There are women that are impossible to satisfy (sexually).



n. a contest, competition. Kuntis sa áwit, Singing contest; v. have a contest. Kuntísun nátù kun kinsa giyuy maáyung láki, We must have a contest to determine who is really the best. Ispíling ang ílang gikuntísan, They will have a spelling bee.



a. 1. something contrary to one’s liking. Kuntra ku giyud nang táwung palahúbug, I very much dislike people who drink too much; 1a. — sa dugù something that is regarded with aversion. Kuntra sa ákung dugù ang mga maut, I loathe people who are hypocrites; 1b. — gustu done against one’s will. Kuntra gustu siyang mitúman, She complied against her will; 1c. — hitsu for a body or something manufactured to be unproportional in build or structure. Kuntra hitsu kaáyu siya kay tambuk unyà gagmayg bitíis, She is out of proportion because she is fat but her legs are small; 1d. — kumpas out of time, not in rhythm. 1e1. — partídu political opponent. Magsúun nga kuntra partídu sa pulitika apan dílì sa lamísa, Brothers and sisters may be opponents in politics but not in their relationships with each other. 1e2. people who are always opposed to everything. Mga kuntra partídu kaáyu nang mga tawhána sa tanan tang buhátun, dì maáyung iuban sa punduk, Those people are always opposed to everything we do. Let’s not include them in our group; v. be, become political opponents or always oppose someone else’s views or stand; 1f. — tyimpu an impediment to a course of action to be done in the future. Ug way kuntra tyimpu, karung Duminggu mag-ayskrim ta, If nothing gets in the way, we can have ice cream on Sunday; 2a. causing unpleasant bodily reaction to someone Kuntra sa húbak ang pasáyan, Shrimps are bad for asthma; 2b. remedy for something bad. Kuntra sa húbak kining tablítas, These tablets are good for asthma. 2b1. — sa ampay love something very much (humorous—lit. it’s a remedy for my craving). Mukáun ug inasal? Kuntra nà sa ákung ampay! Do I like roast pig? No, I love it! 3. — sa opposed to, rather than. Maáyu na lang ning makalilímus kuntra nímu nga kawatan, It’s better to be a beggar than to be like you, a thief. Mas maáyu ang bínu kuntra sa túbà, Wine is much better than palm toddy. Maíbug kahà ku níya kuntra nímu? Would I be attracted to him more than to you? 4. — ug (such-and-such) an amount bet against (so-and-so) much. Ímung pusta singku kuntrag kwatru, I bet him five to four; n. 1. enemy or opponent. Kuntra sa Inglatíra ang Alimanya, Germany was Britain’s enemy. Kuntra si Ilurdi ni Usáka, Osaka was Elorde’s opponent; 2. in folk belief, something used to drive away evil spirits, usually hidden in one’s clothing; 3. something used to reinforce something which is placed at the other side of it; v. 1. be, become hostile to each other. Dì ku mukuntra ug parinti, I won’t act hostilely toward my relatives. Nagkakuntra ang managsúun tungud sa kabílin, The brothers became enemies on account of the inheritance. Nakuntrahan (gikuntra) ang íyang trátu sa ginikánan, Her parents took a dislike to her suitor; 2. oppose someone in a contest, politics, and the like. Dílì siya mukuntra ug dakù níya, He won’t play against anyone bigger than he is. Kuntráhun nímu sila sa pagkamayur nga paryinti man? Are you going to oppose them in the mayoralty contest when they are your relatives? Ikaw mauy ikuntra námù níya, We will pit you against him; 3. use as a remedy. Kining tablítas ikakuntra sa tulug, These tablets are good to take to keep you awake; 4. be (so-and-so) much against (such-and-such) an amount. Sigurádu man kahà ka, kuntráhan ta nang diyis mug singku, If you’re so sure, I’ll bet five pesos against your ten; 5. wear something sewn in the clothing to drive away evil spirits; 6. put a reinforcement behind something Kuntráhi (kuntrahi) nang gitaúras batúnis arun dílì magísì, Put a reinforcement behind where you sew on the button so it won’t rip; 6a. see balinsiyána, v 2. -in- n. a seam sewn with the balinsiyána stitch. paN- n. something worn as protection against something

kuntra gustu


see gustu.



n. contraband; v. be classified as contraband. Makuntrabandu giyud ang butang nga dílì ipaági sa kustum, Smuggled goods that don’t pass the Customs can be called contraband. kuntrabandista n. smuggler, one who deals in contraband goods; v. be a smuggler.



n. 1. a villain in a drama or story; 2. one who acts like a villain, spoiling or opposing something good. Kuntrabída kaáyu nà si Máma uy, dì ku patambúngun sa parti, Mother is a killjoy, she won’t let me attend the party; v. be, become the villain in a drama.



n. contractor for the construction of something v. be, become a contractor. Pruyiktu sa gubiyirnu nga ákung gikuntraktúran, Government projects for which I was the contractor.



a. being enemies. Kuntraryu mi kaáyu kay wà siyay batásan, We’re enemies because he has no manners; v. be enemies with each other.



n. password or secret signal. Ug muhíngus ku, kuntrasinyas nà nga wíting ku, If I sniffle, it’s a sign that I’m about to go rummy. Unsay kuntrasinyas sa pagsúd sa kampu? What is the password to enter the camp? Dúnay kuntrasinyas ang balúta arun hibaw-an nga mibutar ka nákù, There’s a secret mark on the ballot so we know you voted for me; v. give a word or secret signal.

n. written contract or verbal agreement. Pilay kuntrátu sa matadíru íning ímung bábuy? What price have you agreed upon with the butcher for your pig? v. make a contract or verbal bargain. Nagkuntrátu kug sakyanan pára sa átung ikskursiyun, I have already made an agreement for our transportation on the excursion. kuntratádu a. bound with a contract or oral agreement. Kuntratádu na ning babúya, This pig has already been spoken for. kuntratista n. one who buys and sells things or services on a professional basis, contracting for the things bought or services rendered. Kuntratista sa bábuy, One who buys and sells pigs. Kuntratista sa hákut, One who contracts to haul things; v. be, become a contractor of this sort.



n. 1. financial contribution; 2. tax on real property; v. give a contribution or pay a real property tax.



n. opponents in a political election; v. be opponents for electoral office. Dì sila maáyung kuntringkantíhun kay manag-ágaw sila, They should not be made to oppose each other because they are cousins. Bag-ángang pulitiku ang ákung gikakuntringkanti, The man I fought against was a seasoned politician.



n. control over someone’s actions, discipline. Ang mayur way kuntrǔl sa kapulisan, The mayor has no control over his police force; v. 1. control oneself or the actions of something else. Nagkuntrǔl lang giyud ku nga dì makapangísug, I did my best to control my temper. Wà na ku makakuntrǔl sa manubíla, I couldn’t control the wheel any longer; 2. exercise birth control. Wà mi magkuntrǔl, maung daghan mig anak, We didn’t practice birth control so we had lots of children.

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