v. condemn something as unfit for use. Ang layinman mauy nagkundim íning kuniksiyúna kay dilikádu, The lineman declared this connection unfit for use because it’s dangerous. Ang mga libru lang nga dunut mauy kundima (ikundim), Declare the worn-out books unfit for use; a. declared unfit.
n. kind of love song of a traditional genre.
n. kind of red cotton cloth of a cheap variety, commonly used for pillows; v. wear clothes made of kundíman cloth.
n. love song(s)
n. punishment, imprisonment for heavy offenses. Napúlù ka túig ang kundína sa binilanggù, The prisoner was sentenced to ten years; v. pass a sentence for a heavy crime. Nakakundína na siyag daghan, He has already sentenced many people to heavy punishment.
v. treat someone with condescension and contempt. Ayaw siya kundinaha nga usa ka patay gútum, Don’t look down on him for being extremely poor.
v. 1. be condemned by God to eternal wandering. Magbalikbálik ang kalag nga nakundinar, A restless soul returns and haunts his place; 2. be carried by bad influence. Kun dílì pa ikaw mauy nagkundinar nákù dì untà ku maingun niíni karun, If it had not been for your bad influence, I wouldn’t be what I am now. Kundinahun ka na sab ánang tawhána sa súgal ug ínum, That good-for-nothing fellow will again drag you to gambling and drinking; 3. condemn or convict a prisoner to severe punishment. Tulu ka binilanggù gikundinahan sa kamatáyun, Three prisoners were condemned to die. kundinádu n. soul condemned by God to eternal punishment, said to go back to earth to roam and wander restlessly. a reference to a person one is angry at, implying that he deserves to be damned. Ang kundinádu mung anak mauy nakadaldal sa ákung anak sa kadaútan, Your damned son led my son into evil; v. be, become a doomed soul.
a. condensed milk. litsi — n. condensed milk.
see kundi.
n. 1. manner or state of being. Kumusta ang kundisiyun sa masakitun? How is the patient’s condition? Lisud ámung kundisiyun human ku papháa, Our situation has been difficult since I was fired; 2. requirement, stipulations. Mga kundisiyun sa kuntrátu, The conditions in the contract; 3. grade given on condition that the student make up specified deficiencies. May kundisiyun ku sa Mát, I have a conditional pass in Math; v. 1. set conditions to something Nagkundisiyun ku nga makalakaw ka basta mupaúlì ug sayu, I make the condition that you can go out if you come home early. Unsa may ímung ikundisiyun kun magpahulam kag kwarta? What conditions do you impose when you loan money? 2. be given a conditional grade. Nakundisiyun (nakakundisiyun) ku sa Histuri, I got a conditional pass in History. -al conditional, dependent upon certain stipulations; v. be conditional. Ug makundisiyunal ang pagsurindir, dílì dawátun, They will not accept any surrender hedged with conditions.
n. behavior, deportment.
v. guide, escort someone to a place. Akuy mukundukta sa mga turista, I will guide the tourists. Gikunduktuhan ku siya kútub sa istasyunan, I conducted her up to the bus station.
n. conductor in public transportation; v. be, become a conductor in public transportation.
n. spreading annual vine producing long, green melons of oblong or bottle-like shape, eaten cooked when unripe, and when ripe made into candy: Benincasa hispida.
n. condom, a contraceptive device put on the penis; v. wear, use a condom.
see kulung.
see kun.
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