n. a small square-mouthed basket made of loosely woven thin bamboo strips; v. 1. put inside a kay-a; 2. make a kay-a.
v. 1. disarrange something that was put in order, scatter something put together neatly. Hángin nga mikay-ag sa pinunduk nga papílis, The wind that scattered the piles of paper. Ayaw kay-ága ang kamáda sa káhuy, Don’t get the stacks of wood all in disorder; 2. cause things in one place to scatter. Ang pinusílay nakakay-ag (nakapakay-ag) sa mga táwu sa plása, The shoot-out scattered the people in the plaza. — ang láwas v. for a dead body to be in an advanced state of decomposition. Nakay-ag na ang láwas sa nabangalang patay, The body they found was in an advanced state of decomposition. — ang tinái v. kill a man by stabbing. Kay-águn (ikay-ag) nákù ang ímung tinái ug maglúib ka, I’ll kill you if you betray me; a. scattered about.
(slang) 1. within one’s ability, easily tackled. Ayaw na lag tábang. Káya ku ra ni kaáyu, Never mind helping me. I can easily tackle this job; 2. within one’s financial capacity to shoulder. Káya kaáyu nákù ang balur ánang awtúha, The car is very much within my reach; v. tackle, handle something with ease. Dì ku makakáya pag-alsa ánà, I can’t lift that thing easily. Kayáhun giyud nímu bísag labihang lisúra? Are you going to force yourself to tackle it even if it’s very hard for you? -an a. having the means to spend for whatever one likes. Dakù kaáyu ang íyang báy; kayáhan (kayáan) giyud tingáli, His house is very big; he must be rich.
n. youngest child. Ságad sa mga bátà nga kaya manyahun giyud, More often than not, the youngest child is wilful.
see kayhà.
v. 1. for cloth or the like to flap, cause it to do so. Mikáyab (mipakáyab) siyag panyù paglarga sa barku, She waved her handkerchief as the boat moved away. Nagkáyab ang bandílà sa hángin, The flag waved in the breeze. Kayába (ikáyab) ang ímung kamut, Wave your hand; 2. raise a flag or unfurl a sail. Kayába (ikáyab) ang bandílà, layag, Raise the flag, unfurl the sail; 3. for a divinity to ascend into the heavens. Mikáyab si Kristu sa lángit, Christ ascended into heaven; n. the Ascension of Christ.
see kagangkagang. see kágang.
n. kind of fishing in which the net is made to touch the bottom of the sea. The fish are driven towards it by people beating large cans. paN- v. catch fish with this method.
v. be in disorder, dishevelled. Mikayagkag ang íyang buhuk sa hángin, Her hair was all in disorder from the wind. Nagkayagkag ang mga sinínà sa aparadur, The dresses were all in disorder in the closet.
n. kind of large, spineless bamboo similar to butung but with itchy hirsutes on the trunk and with smaller nodes.
see kalamúkat. see lamúkat.
n. shed consisting of a roof of buri palm thatch supported by sticks or poles with no walls: 1. put on a small boat as a shelter against rain; 2. used as a shed by transient vendors or purveyors of entertainment; v. put up such a shed.
v. fall on one’s back tottering and grasping the air with the limbs. Nagkayangkayang siyang natikalbung sa kanal, He fell backwards into the ditch, waving his arms wildly.
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