n. employee
n. white collar employee; v. be, become employed. Nakalit siyag kasapían sukad nakawáni sa adwána, He has grown rich suddenly since he was employed at the Customs Office. kawaníhan n. employees’ force. Kinahanglang magyunyun ang kawaníhan, The employees should form a union.
(from kaláwan) v. for an area to look very large because of little or scattered content. Mukawankawan (mangawankawan) ang awdituryum ug way táwu, The auditorium looks very large when there’s no one in it. (←) v. for something to stretch into, appear in the distance. Mikawankáwan (nangawankáwan) ang tabanug sa tumuy sa taas nga tugut, The kite soared way high at the end of the long string.
v. 1. get, bring out of a vehicle. Tabángi kug káwas íring kahun gíkan sa trák, Help me unload the box from the truck. Nikáwas na ang tanang pasahíru sa barku, All the passengers have gotten off the ship. Ikáwas ang mga kargamintu sa dyíp, Unload the cargo off of the jeep first; 2. get, bring something out of the water. Mikáwas siya gíkan sa línaw, She came out of the water. Ikáwas ang báling, Pull in the net; 2a. for solids to come out of their container. Mikáwas ákung tiil sa sapátus kay gitubúan, My feet came out of my shoes because I outgrew them. Iduut ang mga bulingun kay nanggáwas na nà sa bàbà, Press down on the laundry because it is coming out of the hamper. — sa kalindaryu for a woman’s age to get to be more than the days of the calendar (and thus be beyond the age of marriage). Dì na tingáli siya maminyù kay nikáwas na man sa kalindaryu ang íyang idad, I doubt if she will get married because her age has outgrown the calendar; n. on dry land. Mamatay ang isdà sa káwas, Fish won’t survive on dry land.
prep. unless
n. kind of white rice with long, fine grains. It grows both in the paddy and in the uplands.
n. plunder
n. wire used for conducting electricity. hatud — n. message sent by telegraph or apparatus used to send telegraph (literary); v. send a telegram.
v. 1. steal something Way mukáwat ánang rilu mung baratuhun, No one would steal that cheap watch of yours. Kawátun ku nà ug dì nímu ihátag, I’m going to steal it if you don’t give it to me. Gikawátan ang tindáhan, The store has been robbed; 1a. steal space from something Nakakáwat ug duha ka pulgáda ang dapit nga ímung gigunting, You cut off about two inches when you cut it with the scissors; 2. do something without someone’s knowledge or while he wasn’t watching. Mikáwat ku pagtan-aw níya, I stole a glance at her. Mikáwat siyag lakaw samtang natúlug ku, He stole away while I was sleeping. Gikawátan nákù siyag haluk, I stole a kiss from her; 2a. steal a basket ball from someone while he is dribbling; n. theft. Ísip káwat ang pagtípig sa kinit-an, It’s considered theft to keep what you have found. panghiN- v. charge someone with being a thief, usually with malicious intent. Gipanghingáwat (gipanghingawátan) siya sa íyang agálun, Her employer falsely charged her with thievery. kawatkawat v. do something surreptitiously, secretly, and repeatedly. Mukawatkawat (mangawatkawat) giyud siyag káun ug bábuy bisag gidid-an, She eats pork secretly even though she’s not supposed to. kinawatkawat a. something done surreptitiously, secretly. Kinawatkawat nga kalípay, Happiness (in love) stolen on the sly. -an n. thief. -in- n. loot, booty, spoils. -in-ay n. outbreak of thievery. -un(→), kawatúnun n. something to be stolen.
n. burglar
n. robber
n. thief
v. burglarize
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