smell good
a. long and heavy of stride; v. for the steps to be long and heavy. Muhumpal ang átung linaktan ug luag tag sapátus, We have to take long and heavy steps if our shoes are too big. Naghumpal ang linaktan sa sundálung gikápuy, The soldier is tired, and he is taking long and heavy strides.
v. assuage, relieve. Álak ray muhumpay sa ákung kaguul, Only liquor can relieve my sorrow. Muhumpay (mahumpay) ang kasakit kun manghaplas kag linimintu, The pain will be relieved when you rub liniment on it. paN- n. something that gives relief. Panghumpay sa mga iritasiyun sa pánit, Medicine to relieve skin irritations. ka- n. relief. Kahumpay sa panakit, Quick relief from pains. ka-an, ka-un(→) n. relief, assuagement as an end effect. Walay kahumpayun (kahumpáyan) ning íyang kaguul, There is no end to her sorrows. ma-un, maka-r- a. soothing.
v. 1. arrange, stack things in a neat and orderly way. Akuy mihumpid (naghumpid) sa mga basíyung butilya, I arranged the empty bottles in order. Íyang humpírun (ihumpid) ang íyang mga papílis, He’ll stack the papers neatly; 2. smooth out, flatten out. Pisun ang nakahumpid sa sín, A steam roller flattened out the galvanized iron sheets; a. neatly arranged, flat. Humpid kaáyu ang íyang buhuk, His hair is neatly groomed and flat.
see humpid.
n. home run in baseball; v. make a home run. tig- a. one who usually hits a home run.
n. homeroom in school. — pitii n. organization of the parents of children in a certain homeroom and their teacher.
n. fraudulent decision in boxing made in favor of a boxer who is a native of the place the match is held; v. make a hometown decision in boxing.
a. wet. — ug papil having a ruined reputation. Humud ug papil nang tawhána pagkakiriwan, That fellow has the reputation of being a thief; v. 1. make something wet. Humda ang trápu úsà inusnus, Wet the rag before you wipe; 2. wear something in bathing. Walà siya maghumud nga nalígù sa dágat, She went swimming without anything on. humdunun n. thing worn for swimming. -in- n. thing put on during one’s bath.
a. 1a. soft, not rigid or hard. Húmuk nga yútà, Soft earth. Húmuk nga unlan, A soft pillow; 1b. tender, not tough or hard. Húmuk na ang linat-an, The stewed meat is tender now; 2. easy to do something to. Húmuk mabálì, Easy to break. Húmuk siya tudlúan, It’s easy to teach her. Húmuk siyang dad-ug baylíhan, She is easy to lead in dancing; 2a. easily affected by something, easily made to do something Húmuk ra nang bayhána pasugtun, That girl is easy to win over. Húmuk siyang masukù, He easily gets angered. Húmuk ug balatían nang tiguwánga. Manggihatágun kaáyu sa mga pubri, That old man is kindhearted. He is very generous to the poor; 3. supple in mind, easily adaptable. Húmuk kaáyu ug láwas nga bayhána. Maáyung musáyaw, The lady is graceful. She dances well. Húmuk siyag salabútan; dalì rang musabut, She is intelligent; she easily understands; 4. í nga — a. letter a as opposed to e (in English). b. letter e as opposed to i (in Spanish). — ug ilung 1. easily influenced, told to do something Húmuk siyag ilung kay bísag kinsa ray musúgù, He lets himself be led around by the nose. He does whatever anyone tells him to do. 2. for girls to give in easily to the advances of men; v. 1; a. soften; become soft. b. do something in a soft way. Humúka kanà paglútù, Cook it soft; 2. make something supple, adaptable. pahumukhúmuk v. pretend to go along with something Nagpahumukhúmuk ang administrasiyun sa mga dimanda, balubálu wà diay, The administration pretended to go along with the demands, but when the time came, nothing was granted. paN- n. something used to soften something -un(→) a. of a soft, supple type.
v. 1. soak, steep. Nakahúmul ka sa mga nuug nga átung labhan? Have you soaked the rags we are going to wash? Humúli ang isdà sa súkà, Marinate the fish in vinegar; 2. immerse, put oneself or something in water so as to cover most of it. Ug maghúmul ka sa túbig dílì lagi tugnaw, Once you get in the water, it is not cold after all. Humúli ang kábaw sa túbig, Put the carabao in the water; 3. pack something in ice for preservation. Ihúmul ang isdà sa yílu arun dì madubuk, Pack the fish in ice so that it won’t spoil. (→), -in-an n. fish packed in ice for preservation.
a. soft, fluffy. Alpumbrang humulhúmul, A fluffy rug.
a. 1. sweet-smelling. Humut nga búlak, Fragrant flowers. Humut nga bàbà, Sweet-smelling mouth. Humut nga pagkáun, Good-smelling food; 2. for someone to be dear to one despite his bad traits. Daghan siyag bisyu apan humut siya gihápun kanákù, He has lots of vices, but I love him all the same; v. be, become pleasant-smelling. pa- v. make someone or something pleasant-smelling. Magpahumut ta kay mangadtu tas bayli, Let’s put on perfume because we’re going to a dance. Pahumti ang kík ug banilya, Flavor the cake with vanilla; n. something used to make something pleasant-smelling. -an(←) kind of aromatic herb, similar in appearance to sangig but sweeter in smell. ka- n. pleasant smell. ma- a. very sweet-smelling. -un a. of a sweet-smelling sort.
v. 1. seriously plan to do something of a momentous nature. Aku gánì makahúmut pagpatay, tinuúrun giyud nákù, If I plan to kill, I’ll kill, believe me. 2. seriously think about buying something Dúgay na kung naghúmut ánang rilúha, I have long been obsessed by the thought of buying that watch.
v. for birds, esp. poultry to roost to sleep. Kilumkílum na gánì muhún dáyun ang mga manuk, When it’s twilight, the chickens roost for the night.
v. 1. for a structure to collapse. Nahun-ag ang Rubi Táwir sa paglínug, The Ruby Tower collapsed in the earthquake; 2. for hopes, ambitions, etc. to collapse.
v. 1. for something dark, dirty to become clear and white, cause it to do so. Mihun-ag (nahun-ag) ang linabhan nga giladlad sa ínit, The clothing became white when it was bleached in the sun; 2. for the face to brighten. Mihun-ag ang íyang nawung sa kahimuut, Her face shone with pleasure; 2a. for dawn to break (literary). Nagkahun-ag nga kaadláwun, The breaking dawn; a. free from dirt, shining of face.
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