see bí, 1.
see lunaw.
a. high tide. Táub (taub) kaáyu ang dágat run, The tide is high now; v. be high tide. Láwum ang pantalan kun mutáub, The harbor is deep when it’s high tide; n. tide. Ang táub gaagad lang sa búlan, The tide depends on the moon. -un n. 1. sea at high tide. Misíbug na ang taúbun, The tide is going out now; 2. high tide. Abtun giyud nang sináug nga barútu kay milíhuk na ang taúbun, When the high tide rushes in it will surely reach the boat that has been beached.
v. 1. put something up or on by fastening, attaching, or inserting. Pagtáud ug muskitíru, Put up a mosquito net. Itáud ang singsing, Put the ring on. 2. have sexual intercourse. Nagtáud sigúru sila kay nahílum, They must be having intercourse because they’re silent; 3. make a plow; n. plow. Bargas karun ang ákung táud, I use a Vargas plow now. (→) n. a trimming of lace attached to a garment as a frill.
1. after a while. Mihigdà ku, unyà taudtaud nakatúlug, I lay down, and after a while fell asleep; 2. be for some time. Taudtaud ka nang wà mubisíta nákù, It’s been some time since you visited me. 3. (do) every now and then. Taudtaud lag pangíhì ning táwung gibus-aw, This man with a bladder ailment keeps having frequent urination; v. 1. done some time ago. Mutaudtaud na karung wà kung kakità ug sini, It’s been some time now since I’ve last seen a movie. Pataudtauri (taudtauri) nà sa káyu únà haúna, Let it stay over the fire for several minutes before you take it off; 2. do something every now and then; 3. taking a rather long time. Mataudtauran pa dagway úsà siya muulì, It will probably be some time before he comes home.
n. Taoist(s)
see taláuk.
v. 1. set a trap or fishline in place; 2. offer a part of the body to receive blows or abuse. Gitaun sa irù ang íyang líug arun kahiktan, The dog offered its neck to let us tie it. 3. place something as a bet. Ayaw itaun ang buakung húlin, Don’t put broken marbles down as your bet; n. bet put together with others in a game.
see tausduk.
v. 1. pierce deep. Mitáup ang udiyung sa íyang dughan, The arrow pierced deep into his breast; 2. for the sound of something one cannot see to fade away. Natáup ang tíngug sa nagkalayung ayruplánu, The sound of the airplane faded as it got further and further away. paN- v. 1. sink, disappear below the level of. Nanáup ang barku sa pagkalúnud niíni. Bisan pálu wà makítà, The ship was completely hidden when it sank. Even the mast could not be seen on the surface of the water. Nanáup ang bátà sa daghang táwu, The child disappeared in the midst of the crowd; 2. for a score to be at the lowest, or at the bottom. Sa lima ka tím, íla rang iskur ang nanáup, Of the five teams, their score was the lowest.
v. be piled or heaped high. Nagtausduk ang labhanan sa palanggána, The laundry is piled high in the basin. Ayawg tausdúka (itausduk) ang kan-un sa plátu, Do not heap the food on the plate.
a. jovial of face or visage. Ang táwu nga tawa (matawa) ug panagway, A person of joyful mien. ma- see tawa. ka-(←) v. laugh. Nagkatawa sila sa múut kaáyung sini, They were laughing at the funny picture. Gikataw-an ang bukidnun, They laughed at the bumpkin. Dílì ikakatáwa kanang hitabúa, That incident cannot be laughed off; n. laughter. hika-/haka- v. laugh despite oneself. Nahikatawa ku pagkadalin-as níya, I couldn’t help laughing when he slipped. kataw-anay, kinataw-anay v. smile at each other. hinga- a. gay, easily aroused to laughter. kataw-anan a. funny. kalataw-an n. laughing stock. kinataw-an n. manner of laughing. kataw-unun a. feel like bursting into laughter. mataw-ánun a. laughingly, jokingly. Mataw-ánung pangutána, A joking question.
n. kind of fishing with a drift line for moderately deep seas. A swivel is attached between the leader and the line which is in turn attached to a bamboo float having a coconut frond stuck into it as a marker.
n. call
n. cry
v. 1. call, call on. Tawga siya kay mangáun na, Call him. Lunch is ready. Pagtuun básig hitawgan kang mám, Study because the teacher might call on you; 1a. consider one as something Daw ikaúlaw níya nga tawgun silang magsúun si Dúris, Apparently she was ashamed to be called Doris’ sister; 2. call someone something Tawga lang kug Suping, Just call me Sofing. Bahálà nag unsay ímung itawag nákù, I don’t care what you call me. 3. call up. Tawga (tawgi) ku inig-abut nímu, Call me up when you arrive; n. 1. way one calls something Unsay tawag nímu nang táwung hambugun? What name do you give to a braggart? 2. action of calling out. (←) v. 1. call out the marriage bans; 2. see tawag, 3. n. the call of marriage bans in church. paN- v. 1. for a dead person to call the relatives to follow him shortly after his death. In folk belief, if a corpse fails to stiffen, it is a sign that he is calling for his relatives to follow him, and it must be warded off with a sumpà. Ang minatay nga húmuk mu rag búhì, magpanawag sa mga kaparintíhan, A corpse that is soft as if it were alive is calling his relatives to follow him in death; 2. — ug nánay, tátay, ginikánan call out in great distress or pain (lit. say ‘Máma!’). Nagpanawag ug nánay ang gisirulan, The man had stomach cramps and yelled ‘Mama!’ in pain. talawgun a. 1. frequently called on for services. Talawgun kaáyu nang duktúra, That doctor is very busy; 2. requiring repeated calls to make him come. Talawgun nang batáa. Dì muanhi ug dì sigíhag tawag, That child needs to be called a lot. He doesn’t come unless you keep calling him. -l-un(←) n. errand boy or girl. paN-an(←) n. place where one makes a call, esp. for an assembly. pala-, pala-(←) n. something that calls. Ang bagting sa kampána mauy palatáwag sa mga manuk níla, The ringing of the bell gathers their chickens; a. fond of calling on others. panawagtawag see pamutingting. see butingting.
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