n. concentration
v. 1. join in a group, put together. Kinsay nagtampu íning bulingun sa inutaw? Who put this dirty laundry together with the ironed things? Tampúha lang ang tanan arun usa ray sudlanan, Put them all together so there will be just one container. Itampu nang bakláa sa mga babáyi, Put that sissy together with the girls; 2. give a contribution. Magtampu (magtampuhay) ta pára sa parti, Let’s contribute for the party; 3. contribute to a publication. Sugilánun ákung itampu sa sunud gulà, I’ll contribute a short story for the next issue; 3a. send in an entry to a contest. Gitampu námù ang basíyung káha sa sigarilyu, We sent the empty cigarette packs as entries to the contest; n. 1. contribution; 2. entry in a contest. tampuhan v. contribute to something regularly. Magtampuhan siya sa Bisayà, He contributes regularly to Bisaya. tampuhay v. see tampu. matampúhun a generous in contributing.
v. 1. stab so as to make the instrument stick, be sticking in. Akuy mitampuk ug lápis sa báni, I stuck a pencil into the banana trunk. Báraw nga mitampuk sa dughan, A knife sticking into the breast; 2. beat something with the inside of the fist (as if sticking a dagger into it). Mitagubtub ang ákung likud nga íyang gitampuk, My back resounded when he hit it with his fist. -in-an a. jewelry having precious stones embedded.
v. gather and dump into something Ang mutsatsa mauy nagtampuk sa mga bulingun sa planggána, The maid put the dirty laundry into the basin. Tampúkun (itampuk) ku ang mga basíyung láta sa dakung kahun, I will dump the empty cans into the big box.
v. 1. loom, stand out large. Dúnay dakung batu nga nagtampulung daplin sa likuánan sa dálan, There is a huge rock looming at the side of the road at the bend; 2. pile or heap stones. Magtampulung siyag mga batu líbut sa ílang balay, He will pile stones around their house as a wall; n. 1. large rock or pile of stones that stands prominently in the middle of the sea, protruding or immersed under shallow water; 2. a dike of piled stones in the sea, constructed to trap fish behind it when the tide goes out.
see tampulung.
v. 1. loom large, stand out prominently. Nagtampuug sa dálan ang buldúsir, The bulldozer is looming large on the road; 2. be piled in a large heap. Nagtampuug ang sagbut sa búngun sa ílang balay, There is a huge pile of garbage beneath their house. Ngánung gipatampuug (gitampuug) nímu ang makinilyahúnun únà mu buháta? Why did you allow the typing to pile up before working on it?
see tampuug, v2.
see tampulung.
v. lay something over sores, boils as a compress. Tabákù itampuy sa ímung hubag, Put a tobacco leaf over your boil; n. compress.
n. kind of small bird with yellow plummage and black on the head, wings, and breast, the olive-backed sunbird: Nectarinia jugularis. tamsitamsi n. kind of snapper with yellowish coloring and a blackish blotch. -in- n. manner of fighting of a gamecock characterized by hovering above the opponent with fluttering wings; v. 1. for a gamecock to fight in this way; 2. for the hair on the nape to come to a point. Mutamsi ang buhuk sa tingkuy ug taas na, The hair on the nape comes to a point when it gets long. tamsíhun a. having hair at the nape coming to a point.
n. warbler
see tamtaks.
n. Thompson submachine gun; v. shoot someone with a Thompson submachine gun.
n. thumb tacks; v. fasten with thumb tacks. Tamtaksi nang kalindaryu sa bungbung, Fasten the calendar on the wall with thumb tacks.
v. 1. obey; perform something in obedience. Ang Kristiyánus magtamud giyud sa súgù sa Diyus, A Christian must obey the law of God. Tamdun ku ang tanan mung pagmandù, I will obey all your orders; 1a. abide by one’s word, fulfill one’s promises. Kinahanglang magtamud ka sa átung gikasabútan, You should abide by our agreement; 1b. give respect to something by heeding it. Ángay ka nga magtamud sa pahimangnù sa ímung mga ginikánan, You must respect the advice of your parents; 1c. observe a custom, feast day. Uban nga mga táwu dílì magtamud sa adlaw nga iglilíhi, Some people do not observe holidays of obligation; 2. respect. Magtinarung ta arun tamdun sa átung isigkatáwu, We must deport ourselves in an honest fashion if we are to be respected by our fellowmen; 3. gaze at something with attention or intent. Ug magkupya ka, tamda sígi ang pahina, When you copy, keep looking at the page; 4. guide oneself by something Sa mísa karun dílì na kinahanglang mutamud ug misal, Nowadays, it is not necessary to read the missal during the mass. Nagtamud siya sa margáti sistim, He is following the margate system of planting. Tamdi ang libru inigtubag nímu, Refer to the book when you recite; 4a. copy, trace off from. Ayaw ug tamdi ang libru kay mulamà ang ági, Don’t trace on top of the book because it will leave a mark; 4b. mark something for easy reference. Sayun ra nga bulúngun ang dápit sa sugilánun kay ákung gitamdan ang pahina, It is easy to locate the part of the story because I marked the page; 4c. remember, make a note of. Tamdi ni, Wà pa giyud aku masayup niíning mga butánga, Take note of this: I have never made a mistake in these matters. -in- a. respectable person. Tinamud nga mga dinápit, Respected guests. talamdan, tamdanan n. basic guide, rules, and regulations to follow. Mau niy talamdan ug maggansilyu ka ug bidsprid, This is the instruction sheet to crochet a bedspread by. talamdun a. worthy of being respected, revered. matinamdánun a. characterized with faithful and regular observance of customs. Rilihiyúsa siya ug matinamdánun sa mga pista sa simbahan, She is religious and keeps good observance of church holidays.
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